CITF-TOPIC 2- Status enquiries and credit control 学习笔记

2.2.3 状态查询和信用控制-Status enquiries and credit control


  1. status enquiry or credit reference(状态查询或信用参考)
  2. Credit reference agencies(信贷资料服务机构)
  3. Credit rating agencies(信用评级机构)
  4. Credit insurers(信用保险公司)
  5. Export credit agencies(出口信贷机构)
  6. Financial statements(财务报表)

All businesses are concerned with the risk that they may not get paid, and this risk is higher when trading internationally. A buyer will also face the risk that their supplier may not fulfil their part of the contract. They might pay for goods that do not arrive or might be let down by late delivery or poor quality, resulting in a loss of business and income.

A status enquiry or credit reference is a report that is collated from all of the information and history available on a company and made available to the enquirer, often for a fee.

It is a historic look at how a company has traded. Although these reports do not forecast how the company will trade in the future, they are a good indicator of how it has traded so far. Status enquiries and credit references are easily available from a number of sources.

信贷资料服务机构-Credit reference agencies

Some credit reference agencies operate in specific countries or regions. Others have an international presence. Examples of credit reference agencies include Graydon(格雷登), Experian and Dun & Bradstreet(益博睿和邓布拉德街).Research services are also offered by many of these agencies.

信用评级机构-Credit rating agencies

Fitch(惠 誉), Moody’s(穆迪) and Standard & Poor’s(标准普尔) are the three largest in this market. They provide ratings on the credit standing of any large business that has raised capital on international markets.

信用保险公司-Credit insurers

Providers of credit insurance also provide credit reports. Some are produced internally and others by associated companies. Appropriate credit limits for the company under consideration are provided.These are good indicators for sellers when assessing the size of a contract. For example, if a seller receives a USD500,000 order from a customer who has been given a credit limit of USD20,000, they should proceed with caution. Obvious questions arise as to whether the customer will be able to pay for the goods.

Providers of credit insurance include Aon(怡安), Euler Hermes(欧拉·赫尔墨斯) and Atradius(阿特迪乌斯).

出口信贷机构-Export credit agencies (ECAs)

Some ECAs also provide country reports. Examples include Coface(科法斯集团), Ex‑Im Bank(进出口银行), Credendo(信条), EKN(欧洲自助服务业协会) and Atradius(安卓信用保险公司). ECAs finance international trade projects. The majority of these are medium or long‑term projects.


财务报表-Financial statements

In some countries, businesses have a legal obligation to publish their financial statements (balance sheets and income statements) with a governmental body such as their central bank or a chamber of commerce. These data then become freely available to the public. If a company has not published their financial statements, this may reflect carelessness, poor management or that they have something to hide.


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