CITF-学习笔记(11.5.2 基于库存的融资-Inventory‑based finance)

11.5.2 基于库存的融资-Inventory‑based finance

库存的定义:Inventory is created when goods are:
1.由零售经销商持有出售-held for sale by a retail dealer;
2.由分销商存储在仓库中-stored in a warehouse by a distributor;
3.由制造商在工厂中待转换为成品-being converted into finished goods in a factory by a manufacturer; or
4.在出售给买家之前的运输中-in transit prior to being sold to buyers

The inventory itself may comprise raw materials, work‑in‑progress and finished goods (if the client is a manufacturer) or just finished goods if they are a wholesale distributor or a retailer. In practice, inventory‑based finance will usually be used to finance goods that are in a condition whereby they are ready for sale as finished goods or commodities.

Inventory finance is offered in various forms and is thus quite bespoke in its nature. 如标准定义中所强调的,变体包括-As highlighted in the standard definitions, variations include:
1.基于资产的贷款 – “借款基础计算融资额是根据商品市场价值最高水平减去保证金,保证金将根据货物的性质和可销售性以及预售的程度而有所不同
asset‑based lending – “a borrowing base is [created] whereby a maximum level of finance is made available against a calculated market value of goods [. . .] being financed less a margin which will vary according to” the nature and saleability of the goods and the extent to which they are pre‑sold;
true sale – “where the inventory is removed from the (original) inventory owner’s balance sheet [and] the finance provider enters into a” retention of title agreement for the goods being financed; and
3.平面图融资 – 制造商将成品库存交给分销商或经销商,资金由融资提供商提供。floor plan finance – a manufacturer places finished stock in the hands of a distributor or dealer with funding provided by the finance provider.
(GSCFF, 2016)

In the sections that follow, you will learn about the following techniques: or advance against inventory; 库存贷款或预付款
2.distributor finance.分销商融资。


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