CITF-学习笔记(5.3 Effects of financial crime)

5.3 金融犯罪的影响-Effects of financial crime

As highlighted at the start of this topic, financial crime can have devastating effects, expanding beyond financial implications to include people, communities and countries. For banks themselves, the following are two key risks that arise from becoming party – however unwittingly – to financial crime.

声誉风险-Reputational risk
Banks that become involved in a major money‑laundering or terrorist‑financing incident will suffer damage to their reputation that may prove more costly than any fines imposed. Additionally, the more that a bank is perceived认为 to be weak in its control of financial crime, the more attractive it becomes to criminals and the less attractive it becomes as a correspondent bank. Many banks have undergone a process of rationalising their correspondent banking network to avoid potential exposure to banks without sufficiently high standards of compliance. This process is widely known as ‘de‑risking’.

“Banks or financial institutions that act as an agent on behalf of other financial institutions, usually foreign banks” (Bankrate, 2018). Services offered include cross‑border payments, treasury management, foreign exchange and international investments.

法律风险-Legal risk
The penalties for breaching regulations relating to financial crime can range from fines on financial institutions to, in extreme cases, loss of banking licences. Individuals may be prevented from working in the finance industry and potentially face imprisonment. A bank must, therefore, ensure that all employees are informed of their obligations under the law and receive regular training.

Every bank must have written policies and procedures for escalating suspicions related to financial crime. Practitioners must be aware of these procedures and know to whom they must report suspicions.




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