CITF-学习笔记(11.5.6 应收账款贷款或预付款 Loan or advance against receivables)

11.5.6 应收账款贷款或预付款
Loan or advance against receivables

定义:This technique is described in the standard definitions as follows:
应收账款贷款或预付款 是向供应链所涉一方提供的融资,基于当前或未来贸易应收账款产生的资金的还款预期,以及通常以此类应收款的担保为抵押,但也可能是无担保的.
“Loan or advance against receivables is financing made available to a party involved in a supply chain on the expectation of repayment from funds generated from current or future trade receivables and is usually made against the security of such receivables, but may be unsecured.”
(GSCFF, 2016, p9)

This is a loan or advance where the client is the seller of the goods or services. The finance provider regards the receivables as the source of repayment but will also retain recourse to the client in the event that the receivables are not realised or are not sufficient to fully liquidate the loan or advance.
This form of financing is provided against a receivable and is appropriate when a seller has or will acquire receivables arising from its business activities as a seller of goods or services.

典型客户-Typical clients
Such loans are generally offered to sellers that are deemed very creditworthy by the finance provider and whose existing or future dated receivable is free from any potential encumbrance that may affect its validity and payment.
It is, therefore, more likely that the loan will be provided to a well‑established mid‑market company or a large‑sized corporate that can demonstrate a good track record of performance.

Some finance providers, recognising that a receivables portfolio is ever‑changing with new invoices raised and settlement received on an ongoing basis, may establish a borrowing base that regulates the amount they are willing to advance at any one time. Where a borrowing base is used, rigorous monitoring gives the finance provider visibility of those assets that constitute the loan’s security.
Such monitoring may involve self‑certification by the client. The finance provider will calculate the level of the loan it is willing to advance based on its borrowing‑base criteria.

信用风险Credit risk
The finance provider may also take a view on the credit risk standing of the buyers and evaluate whether the buyers are good for the amount being invoiced. In addition, they will also need to be comfortable that, should it become necessary to realise the security in the receivable in a given jurisdiction(管辖), payment of the receivable can be enforced. Some finance providers will require credit insurance to be in place as an added mitigant.

Benefits to sellers
The primary benefit to sellers is the release of working capital prior to the repayment of the receivable by their buyers.

Such a loan may be used to enable a seller to offer more attractive credit terms to their buyer in order to promote more sales, or to fund an opportunity that requires the seller to raise liquidity in advance of its normal payment terms.

Benefits to buyers
There is no direct benefit to buyers but, as mentioned, they may benefit from longer payment terms,which their seller may be able to cover through the raising of the loan.


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CITF-学习笔记(11.5.5 基于应收账款的融资-Receivables based finance)

11.5.5 基于应收账款的融资-Receivables based finance

The standard definitions differentiate between the legal constructs of a loan or advance against receivables and receivables purchase. These terms are defined as follows:

基于应收账款的贷款或预付款 –融资将从当前或未来贸易的应收账款预计产生的资金中偿还。
Loan or advance against receivables – “financing made available [. . .] on the expectation of repayment from funds generated from current or future trade receivables.”

应收款购买 – 货物或服务的卖方通过出售全部或部分货物或部分货物对应的应收账款获得融资,融资与对应的货物或服务有关
Receivables purchase – sellers of goods or services obtain financing by selling all or a part of their receivables relating to those goods or services to the finance provider.
(GSCFF, 2016)


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CITF-学习笔记(11.5.4经销商融资 II Distributor finance II)

11.5.4经销商融资 II Distributor finance II

This finance solution addresses a particular need where there is a material timing gap between the date the distributor has to pay the manufacturer supplying them and the date the goods can be sold, and the resulting receivables converted to cash.

The following are the main features of distributor finance:
Master distributor finance agreement between the manufacturer and the finance provider that will typically outline the parameters of the programme, including:
1.商定的参与条款-the agreed terms of engagement;
2.所涵盖的地理区域-the geographies being covered;
the operating model and processes applying to the finance provider, anchor ??and the distributors; and
any risk sharing or agreement to buy back or find alternative outlets 网点? for inventory where a distributor fails.

Finance agreement between the finance provider and distributor that will normally include an assignment of rights over inventory and receivables.

对制造商的好处-Benefits to manufacturers
Manufacturers benefit from being able to push their products out into their distributor network with guaranteed and immediate payment from their finance providers. They are also able to exercise more control and influence over their distributor network and consequently support their sales growth into new territories.
Additionally, some finance providers offer web‑based platforms specifically tailored to a multinational anchor that provide programme information to distributors and can be used as an onboarding vehicle that creates visibility between the anchor, its distributor and finance provider.Some of these platforms also facilitate purchase order approvals, invoice confirmations and the handling and tracking of payments and drawdowns.

对分销商的好处-Benefits to distributors
Distributors, which are often SMEs and may be in countries with restricted access to finance, benefit from the availability of finance and pricing that reflects the involvement of the manufacturer.

Such pricing will often be cheaper when compared with the cost of funding that the distributor may be able to arrange for itself.


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CITF-学习笔记(11.5.4 分销商融资-Distributor finance I)

11.5.4 分销商融资-Distributor finance I

定义:This technique is described in the standard definitions as follows:
分销商融资是为大型制造商的分销商提供融资,以支付转售货物的持有费用,并弥合流动性缺口,直到在向零售商或最终客户出售货物后收到应收账款的资金。“Distributor finance is the provision of financing for a distributor of a large manufacturer to cover the holding of goods for re‑sale and to bridge the liquidity gap until the receipt of funds from  receivables following the sale of goods to a retailer or end‑customer.”
(GSCFF, 2016, p52)

Distributor finance programmes are designed to support the relationship between the manufacturer and its distributors. The finance is there to facilitate increased stocking by the distributor and onward sales to end customers. It is typically offered (primarily by banks) as a loan or advance, where the client is the onward seller of the goods, against the sales invoice generated by a major manufacturer.

Distributors attracted to this type of arrangement are typically SMEs that will be drawn to the cheaper pricing of the finance and possibly the increased ‘tie‑in’ with the manufacturer.

The manufacturer is often called the ‘anchor party’ in this context, although it is not necessarily party to the financing of the arrangement itself. **The manufacturer is central to the programme and,  Because it has a vested interest in the successful performance of its distributor network, it will  typically sponsor the financing arrangement by having a master distributor finance agreement with the finance provider.

Such finance is typically provided by way of a loan or advance directly to the distributor to fund inventory and receivables on a short‑term basis.


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CITF-学习笔记(11.5.3 Loan or advance against inventory)

11.5.3 Loan or advance against inventory

定义:This technique is described in the standard definitions as follows:
“Loan or advance against inventory is financing provided to a buyer or seller involved in a supply chain for the holding or warehousing of goods (either pre‑sold, unsold, or hedged) and over which the finance provider usually takes a security interest or assignment of rights and exercises a measure of control.

Inventory finance may be regarded as either pre‑shipment (ie the client is the seller) or post‑shipment (ie the client is the buyer).
The finance provider will take a security interest in, and exercise a measure of control over, the inventory. The source of repayment will be derived from the proceeds of sale of the inventory to end‑buyers. The reliability of the source of repayment is, therefore, critically important to the viability of the solution.

影响因素:货物的性质-Nature of the goods  
The nature of the goods has a material impact on the reliability of the source of repayment.
1.大宗商品 – 融资提供者可能乐于接受以下大宗商品:在终端交易所报价,易于出售,并且可以作为证券进行对冲以防止价格波动。
Commodities – finance providers are likely to readily accept commodities that are
quoted on a terminal exchange, are readily saleable, and can be hedged to protect against price volatility as security.
Finished goods that have been pre‑sold are a more attractive proposition where there are contractually committed buyers for at least the majority of the inventory. Finance providers may be happy with a percentage of unsold goods (often known as buffer stock) and may even be prepared to finance stock that is entirely unsold if the goods are generic and there is regular demand from multiple buyers, making the goods relatively saleable.
3.在制品是最难估价的库存类型,通常对融资提供商没有吸引力。当然,也有例外,如果有制成品的合同订单,并且客户是具有成功生产相对通用商品的良好记录的制造商,则融资提供商可能准备继续进行,尽管贷款价值比百分比可能相对较低。Work‑in‑progress is the hardest type of inventory to value and is usually not attractive to finance providers. There are, of course, exceptions, and if there are contracted orders for the finished goods and the client is a manufacturer with a strong track record of successful production of relatively generic goods, the finance provider might be prepared to proceed,although the loan‑to‑value percentage is likely to be relatively low.

Benefits to sellers
如果卖方拥有适合此类融资的库存,并且具有可接受的还款来源,则可以使用此解决方案获得装运前资金。If a seller has inventory that is suitable for this type of finance and has an acceptable source of repayment it can obtain pre‑shipment funding using this solution.

Benefits to buyers
如果买方持有待售库存,并且已满足适用性标准,则可以使用此解决方案获得资金以向其供应商付款。If a buyer is holding inventory pending sale, and the suitability criteria has been met, it can use this solution to obtain funding to pay its suppliers.

Benefits to finance providers
这种解决方案提供了一个机会,可以从预售或易售货物的担保权益和控制以及可接受的还款来源中受益。This solution provides an opportunity to benefit from a security interest in and control of pre‑sold or readily saleable goods coupled with an acceptable source of repayment.

**贷款价值比-Loan to value
The amount advanced relative to the value of the asset securing the advance.


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CITF-学习笔记(11.5.2 基于库存的融资-Inventory‑based finance)

11.5.2 基于库存的融资-Inventory‑based finance

库存的定义:Inventory is created when goods are:
1.由零售经销商持有出售-held for sale by a retail dealer;
2.由分销商存储在仓库中-stored in a warehouse by a distributor;
3.由制造商在工厂中待转换为成品-being converted into finished goods in a factory by a manufacturer; or
4.在出售给买家之前的运输中-in transit prior to being sold to buyers

The inventory itself may comprise raw materials, work‑in‑progress and finished goods (if the client is a manufacturer) or just finished goods if they are a wholesale distributor or a retailer. In practice, inventory‑based finance will usually be used to finance goods that are in a condition whereby they are ready for sale as finished goods or commodities.

Inventory finance is offered in various forms and is thus quite bespoke in its nature. 如标准定义中所强调的,变体包括-As highlighted in the standard definitions, variations include:
1.基于资产的贷款 – “借款基础计算融资额是根据商品市场价值最高水平减去保证金,保证金将根据货物的性质和可销售性以及预售的程度而有所不同
asset‑based lending – “a borrowing base is [created] whereby a maximum level of finance is made available against a calculated market value of goods [. . .] being financed less a margin which will vary according to” the nature and saleability of the goods and the extent to which they are pre‑sold;
true sale – “where the inventory is removed from the (original) inventory owner’s balance sheet [and] the finance provider enters into a” retention of title agreement for the goods being financed; and
3.平面图融资 – 制造商将成品库存交给分销商或经销商,资金由融资提供商提供。floor plan finance – a manufacturer places finished stock in the hands of a distributor or dealer with funding provided by the finance provider.
(GSCFF, 2016)

In the sections that follow, you will learn about the following techniques: or advance against inventory; 库存贷款或预付款
2.distributor finance.分销商融资。


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CITF-学习笔记(11.5.1 基于采购订单的融资-Purchase order‑based finance II)

11.5.1 基于采购订单的融资-Purchase order‑based finance II
再融资机会-Opportunities for refinancing

On occasion, a finance provider may provide purchase order‑based finance to finance inventory pending the sale of finished goods to the seller’s customer. The finance provider may refinance the pre‑shipment advance with an invoice‑based finance solution once goods are sold. Alternatively, purchase order‑based finance can be refinanced by a dedicated inventory finance solution if this is more acceptable to finance providers.

客户简介-Client profile

Purchase order‑based finance
is an invaluable funding solution for sellers that:
have a long cash conversion cycle, particularly during the pre‑shipment period;
have a growing order book, putting pressure on working capital prior to the point of sale to end‑buyers; and
receive large, one‑off orders.

It works best for sellers when they:
have confirmed purchase orders for the majority of their turnover;
have short product conversion processes (if they are a manufacturer) or are effectively procuring finished goods for their end‑buyers (if they are a wholesale distributor); and
对卖家的好处 卖家能够为采购和转换商品提供资金,以便将其出售给客户
know the credit quality of the end‑buyers is acceptable or can be enhanced.

Benefits to sellers
Sellers are able to finance the sourcing and conversion of goods for on‑sale to their customers.

Benefits to buyers
**Buyers are not a party to purchase order‑based finance solutions but benefit indirectly because:
their suppliers can accept higher‑value orders from them;
the risk that their suppliers fail to deliver, having run out of money before shipment, is reduced; and
the need for advance payments to suppliers may be reduced or eliminated.

Benefits to finance providers
The extent to which finance providers benefit from this solution, as opposed to unstructured debt, is dependent on the structure and conditionality of the pre‑shipment finance facility. Finance providers will take comfort from the successful trading relationships between parties, good track record of contractual fulfilment by sellers and the credit standing of end‑buyers. They have the opportunity to derive the following benefits:
1.可见性 – 他们知道进步的用途和最终的来源偿还
visibility – they know what the advance is to be used for and the eventual source of repayment;
2.控制性 – 他们可能能够控制向供应商支付资金和从买家那里收取资金
control – they might be able to control the disbursement of funds to suppliers and collection of funds from buyers; and
3.担保 – 他们可能在库存品和最终应收账款中拥有担保权益。
security – they might have a security interest in the inventory and the eventual receivable.



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CITF-学习笔记(11.5.1 基于采购订单的融资-Purchase order‑based finance I)

11.5.1 基于采购订单的融资-Purchase order‑based finance I

Pre‑shipment finance is relatively common in the traditional trade finance space, where the finance solution is usually initiated by the availability of a purchase order for the sale of goods by the borrowing company to their customer. In trade finance, the pre‑shipment solution may be structured as either a loan or a conditional undertaking such as a letter of credit.

Purchase order‑based finance is less common in an open account context due to the difficulty in securing and controlling the source of repayment. It is therefore relatively underdeveloped as a supply chain finance technique.

Common uses of pre‑shipment finance

Pre‑shipment finance, and specifically purchase order‑based finance, is used to finance the sourcing and conversion of raw materials and components into finished goods for sale to buyers.

The presence存在 of contractually committed buyers for the goods is a strong risk mitigant, but finance providers still need to critically evaluate:
performance risk (ie the risk that the buyer is not obliged to pay);
credit risk (ie the risk that the buyer cannot pay, and the client cannot, as a result, repay the advance out of their own resources).

Pre‑shipment finance is usually based on the existence of a purchase order evidencing a
contractually committed end‑buyer, structured with an inventory finance and/or a receivables
finance solution. Ensuring that the source of repayment can be relied upon and that the cash from the sale of goods is correctly applied to the pre‑shipment advance requires effective structuring and transactional control.

Important considerations: sources of repayment

The existence of an acceptable source of repayment (ie through the sale of goods to the seller’s customers) is an important consideration for a finance provider contemplating provision of a purchase order‑based advance to a client.

In many cases, the finance provider will expect to have visibility of, and a measure of control over the source of repayment and, if possible, a security interest in the associated asset (such as the receivable). Often, they will require that the credit quality of the source repayment (ie the buyer of the goods) be enhanced. This can be achieved through the use of a letter of credit, a standby letter of credit, a bank guarantee or credit insurance.


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CITF-学习笔记(11.5 供应链金融解决方案-Supply chain finance solutions)

11.5 供应链金融解决方案-Supply chain finance solutions

The supply chain is segmented into three stages: the purchase order stage, the inventory stage and the invoice stage. The invoice stage is post‑shipment and the purchase order stage is pre‑shipment. The inventory stage may be perceived as either pre‑shipment or post‑import,
depending on the perspective and role of the client.

11.5.1 Purchase order‑based finance I
11.5.1 Purchase order‑based finance II
11.5.2 Inventory‑based finance
11.5.3 Loan or advance against inventory
11.5.4 Distributor finance I
11.5.4 Distributor finance II
11.5.5 Receivables based finance
11.5.6 Loan or advance against receivables
11.5.7 Receivables discounting
11.5.8 Factoring and invoice discounting I
11.5.8 Factoring and invoice discounting II
11.5.9 Forfaiting I
11.5.9 Forfaiting II
11.5.10 Payables finance I
11.5.10 Payables finance II



CITF-学习笔记(11.4.3 Enabling framework category)

11.4.3 Enabling framework category

As its name suggests, this category is not a product or direct client solution but has been included in the standard definitions to make mention of the bank payment obligation (BPO).It is worth noting that the BPO:
• is an interbank instrument, not a product;是银行间工具,而不是产品
• prescribes that the buyer and seller are not actually parties to the BPO itself (contrary to the indication in the standard definitions) but are able to benefit from the BPO via separateagreements with their respective banks;规定买方和卖方实际上不是BPO本身的当事方(与标准定义中的指示),但能够通过单独的BPO从中受益与各自银行的协议;
• is a conditional undertaking designed to enable a bank to provide finance on a transactionalbasis, similar in principle to a letter of credit;是一项有条件承诺,旨在使银行能够为交易提供融资基础,原则上类似于信用证
• has conditionality that, unlike a letter of credit, is based on the matching of data rather than the presentation of conforming shipping documents; 具有条件性,与信用证不同,它基于数据的匹配而不是符合要求的装运单据的出示
• is subject to ongoing development to enhance its acceptability and value to clients and banks.需要持续开发,以提高其对客户的接受度和价值,以及银行


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