CITF-TOPIC 1- International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) 学习笔记

国际商会-International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)

国际商会成立于1919年,如今在全球联系着包括100多个国家的4500多万家公司,商会和商业协会。国际商会与各自国家的国际商会成员合作,解决他们的关切,并向其政府转达国际商会制定的商业意见。(The ICC was founded in 1919. Today its global network comprises over 45 million companies, chambers of commerce and business associations in more than 100 countries. National committees work with ICC members in their countries to address their concerns and convey to their governments the business views formulated by the ICC. )


国际商会的使命-The fundamental mission of ICC:促进开放的国际贸易和投资,帮助企业应对全球化的挑战和机会。(promote open international trade and investment and help business meet the challenges and opportunities of globalisation. )

国际商会三个主要工作-ICC has three main activities:
1)规则的设置-rule setting
2)争议的解决- dispute resolution
3)政策的宣传-olicy advocacy

国际商会还提供基本服务,其中最重要的是国际商会国际仲裁法院。(ICC also provides essential services, foremost among them the ICC International Court of Arbitration, the world’s leading arbitral institution. )

另一项服务是世界商会联合会,这是国际商会的全球商会网络,促进商会最佳实践的互动和交流。Another service is the World Chambers Federation, ICC’s worldwide network of chambers of commerce, fostering interaction and exchange of chamber best practice.

除此之外,国际商会还提供专门的培训和研讨会,它亦出版了行业领先的国际商业,银行和仲裁实用和教育参考刊物。(ICC also offers specialised training and seminars and is an industry‑leading publisher of practical and educational reference tools for international business, banking and arbitration.)
