CSDG考试知识点-Categories of demand guarantee

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Categories of demand guarantee

There are many different types of demand guarantee, but in broad terms, they can be divided into two categories.

The first category is payment  guarantees. These cover the risk of a default in payment by the applicant.

The second category is performance guarantees. These cover the risk that  the applicant fails to perform the underlying contract with the beneficiary.


1.见索即付保函的两大类型: payment  guarantees  & performance guarantees(付款保函和履约保函)

(1)付款保函-Payment guarantees, which cover the risk, for example, that the buyer  does not pay the supplier for goods delivered.
(2)预付款保函-Advance payment guarantees, which cover the risk, for example, that
in the event of non‑fulfilment of the contract, the supplier does not
repay to the buyer any advance payment made by buyer.
(3)融资性保函-Financial guarantees covering payment obligations in banking, finance and insurance.

(1)履约保函-Performance guarantees (also called performance bonds) which cover the risk, for example, that a contractor breaches the terms of a
construction contract.
(2)质量保函-Warranty guarantees which cover the risk, for example, of a breach of warranty in respect of the goods, works or services delivered by the applicant.
(3)投标保函-Tender guarantees (also called bid bonds) which cover the risk that a successful bidder on a tender for a large project fails to sign the contract for the project.

