CITF-TOPIC 1-Impact of global crises on world trade 学习笔记

全球危机对世界贸易的冲击-Impact of global crises on world trade

全球危机对世界贸易是双面的。新冠至2020年起严重地破坏了全球贸易,减缓了经济增长。但另一方面也使各方更为重视数字化的进程。(Global crises can have a positive or negative impact on world trade. The Covid-19 pandemic severely disrupted international trade and has caused negative economic growth since 2020.However, it has resulted in greater attention towards digitalisation.)

又如2007年至2008年的全球危机,其导致多国政府鼓励增加出口来解决内需锐减的问题。另一方面,这场危机也增加了合规和资本的要求。在某种程度上,这些新增的合规需求又对出口产生的抑制作用。( On the other hand, the global financial crisis of 2007–08 led governments in many countries to address shrinking domestic demand by encouraging businesses to boost exports. Conversely, the 2007–08 financial crisis also led to an increase in compliance(合规) and capital requirements. In some instances, these additional regulatory requirements have acted as a disincentive to export.)

合规和资本的要求对全球贸易的冲击-Impact of compliance and capital requirements on world trade
  • 巴塞尔银行监管委员会-Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
    巴塞尔银行监管委员会制定了在全球范围内主要的银行资本和风险监管标准。(The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has created a framework that provides national regulators with resilient and credible regulatory guidelines that specify capital requirements. These are known as the Basel accords(巴塞尔协议). These guidelines are then translated by local regulators into national regulations. For example, banks in the EU are subject to the Capital Requirements Regulation and Directive. In Singapore, banks are subject to regulatory instruments issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore based on the Basel accords. These instruments include Acts of Parliament, directions (directives and notices), guidelines and codes. The US Federal Reserve has issued directives on how the Basel rules apply in the USA.)
  • 风险加权资产-Risk-weighted assets
    用于评估银行对抗风险损失所需保持的最低资本充足率。An estimate of risk that determines the minimum level of regulatory capital a bank must maintain to deal with unexpected losses.
  • 巴塞尔协议二和三-Basel II and III
    巴塞尔协议的逐次修订,对银行的监管越来越严格,风险加权资产(资本充足率)进一步增加。(Since the publication of Basel II in 2004, banks have faced stricter rules for payments and all activities that involve risk. The financing of international trade is no exception. These rules were strengthened following the financial crisis with the publication of Basel III. As a result, banks have had to set aside a greater amount of risk‑weighted assets. In 2017, the BCBS set out further reforms to Basel III. See the Factfind panel at the end of this section.)
  • 其他法规及制裁-Other regulations and sanctions
    对于反洗钱的法规逐年增加。部分银行因违反制裁规则而受到处罚。对于军民两用货物的管控也进一步影响了货物流转(Regulations against money laundering are also increasing. In addition, banks are required to comply with sanctions that have been imposed on various countries. Some banks have faced severe penalties for breaching sanctions. Regulations governing the trade in dual‑use goods(双重用途货物,军用和民用) have also increasingly affected the smooth processing of transactions.)
    所有的法规都致力于减少风险敞口。许多银行通过对贸易金融的自查终止了部分客户关系。这反过来阻碍了全球贸易融资,对全球贸易产生了消极的影响。(All these regulations have led to a reduction in risk appetite. Many banks have reviewed their international trade finance activities resulting in the cessation(终止) of many client relationships. This has, in turn, impeded access to trade finance for companies of all sizes worldwide and threatened to have a negative impact on the evolution of world trade.)

新冠疫情对经济的破坏-Covid-19 pandemic devastates economic growth
