CITF-学习笔记(3.5 间接出口中使用的中间商-Intermediaries used in indirect exporting)

3.5 间接出口中使用的中间商-Intermediaries used in indirect exporting

出口管理公司-Export management companies
Export management companies will act as the export department for the seller and are set up to provide a whole range of services. They will act on behalf of the seller, either in the name of the seller or in their own name for a commission, salary, or retainer fee plus commission. Some of the larger export management companies can provide immediate payment for the seller by either arranging financing or by directly purchasing the product. Typically, the export management company will have expertise either in products or in the market, which is one of the main advantages to the seller. The main disadvantage of using such a firm is that the seller can potentially lose all control over the marketing and sale of its products.

贸易公司-Trading houses
Export trading houses will purchase the goods directly from the manufacturer and sell them on in an overseas market. They are often product‑specific or market‑specific. Once they have purchased the goods from the manufacturer, they are then able to sell them to whoever they wish and at whatever price they choose. Again, the manufacturing company will lose all control; however, the upside is that additional sales are generated.

保付公司-Confirming houses
Confirming houses are not, strictly speaking, a route to entry for an exporting company. They are firms commissioned by a foreign buyer to find products from the country of the seller. They will seek to obtain the product at the lowest price and will be paid a commission by their foreign client. In some instances, confirming houses may be foreign government agencies or quasi‑government firms that are tasked with promoting export trade for their country. They offer a guarantee of payment to the seller from the buyer, which is useful if the buyer has a poor credit rating. Some export credit agencies can fulfil the role of the confirming house (for more about export credit agencies, see Topic 13).

Buying agent (based in the seller’s country)

Many large overseas companies or buying agencies will employ agents whose responsibility is to look for products and buy for their respective companies or clients. Their position is usually to source the product and negotiate the sales contract; however, because they are based in the home country of the buyer, the sales contract would be subject to the home country’s law.

联合营销 Co‑marketing
Co-marketing is an arrangement in which one manufacturer agrees to distribute a second firm’s product or service. A typical example would be when a company has a contract with an overseas buyer to provide a wide range of products or services. The supplying company may not have the capability to fulfil the whole of the contract, so it will turn to other domestic companies to provide the remaining products. This second company is then able to export its products to the international market, which has the advantage to the second company that it is often able to export its product, sharing the marketing and distribution costs associated with exporting.

Check your understanding
What is the difference between direct and indirect exporting?
2.3.1 Direct exporting vs indirect exporting

