CITF-学习笔记(11.6供应链金融创新-Innovation in supply chain finance I)

11.6供应链金融创新-Innovation in supply chain finance I

11.6 Innovation in supply chain finance II
11.6.1 Dynamic discounting

 电子发票的发展 Developments in e‑invoicing

The digitisation of both the physical supply chain and the financial supply chain has been the subject of a great deal of development and investment. Companies already send purchase orders to each other electronically. The growth of e‑invoicing has also enabled a more immediate electronic communication between trading parties.

电子提单和其他电子单据 E‑bills of lading and other electronic documents
Ongoing development to digitise other key documents, such as inspection reports, and the creation of an e‑bill of lading will ease the transformation to a completely digitised and transparent trade and transaction cycle.

Note that e-bills of lading are not recognised in common law or civil law in most jurisdictions and are not, therefore, technically negotiable documents of title. There is no actual bill of lading for anyone to possess, therefore the concept of a ‘holder’ having title rights to the goods described therein does not arise. Providers of such solutions, such as Bolero and ESSDOCS, operate a membership-based system whereby all parties are required to sign-up to a common rulebook. In essence, they are closed ecosystems in which transfers of title are recorded in a digital title registry and all parties are subject to a common contract.

Recent technological developments now make it possible to create a ‘digital original document’which distinguishes between an original and a copy, allows a holder to have possession of the original digital document and to transfer the original by delivery. This replicates the properties of paper documents but avoids the many disadvantages associated with paper documents (e.g. susceptibility to fraud, cost of document management, cost and delay associated with transferring documents between parties and risk of loss of the original document). This technology has the potential to enable the creation of genuine digital bills of lading which are negotiable documents of title. The obstacles are now primarily legal rather than technological, due to the complexity of maritime law.

An earlier application of this technology is likely to be the digitisation of negotiable payment instruments such as bills of lading and promissory notes. The legal challenges are less complex and progress is being made in several jurisdictions to update the legislation governing negotiable payment instruments to explicitly allow digital versions.

