CITF-学习笔记(11.5.8 保理和发票贴现 Factoring and invoice discounting II)

11.5.8 保理和发票贴现
Factoring and invoice discounting II

保理和发票贴现之间的区别-Distinction between factoring and invoice discounting:
The main distinction between factoring and invoice discounting is that, in most markets, the term factoring is used to describe a product that includes management of the debtor portfolio and collection of the payment, as well as the provision of finance. Invoice discounting, on the other hand,is generally used to describe a finance‑only solution.

The factoring solution is normally disclosed to the debtors with the seller inserting a notice of assignment on the invoice that informs the debtor that the debt has been assigned to the finance provider and can only be discharged on receipt of payment by the finance provider into a designatedcollection account.

Invoice discounting is generally offered on an undisclosed basis, where the buyer is not informed of the assignment but is still directed by the seller to make their payment into a collection account that could be in the name of the seller but controlled by the finance provider.

追索权或无追索权-Recourse or non‑recourse

Both can also be offered on either a recourse or non‑recourse basis to the seller in the event of a default by the buyer. Where non‑recourse is offered, the finance provider may utilise credit insurance as an added mitigant to the risk of debtor default. As with other non‑recourse receivables finance, the finance provider will still have rights of recourse to the seller in the event of contractual dispute.

基于总营业额 Whole‑turnover basis
The majority of factoring or invoice discounting facilities offered through banks are provided on a whole‑turnover basis, where the finance provider takes ownership of all the receivables generated by the seller and creates an availability of finance against a basket of receivables that fits within the financing parameters agreed with the seller.
Other finance providers and platforms predominantly offer selected or single invoice finance, whereby the seller can sell an invoice (often through an online platform) and either the platform provider or other funders can bid to purchase the invoice. Unlike the whole‑turnover arrangements, the seller is not assigning their whole receivables portfolio but, in this case, the funder must be satisfied that the invoice being funded is not already pledged elsewhere.

对卖家的好处Benefits to sellers
The majority of companies that are attracted to factoring and invoice discounting are SMEs who may have limited access to working capital or do not have the fixed assets required by banks as security for bank loans. Having an invoice‑based facility such as factoring or invoice discounting that mirrors the growth of the business is an effective way of releasing cash into the business.
Where the seller has a level of dependency on one or a few customers, depending on their creditworthiness, a non‑recourse option provides some comfort and protection from customer default, which may affect the viability of the seller to continue trading.


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CITF-学习笔记(11.5.8 保理和发票贴现 Factoring and invoice discounting I)

11.5.8 保理和发票贴现 Factoring and invoice discounting I

Factoring and its variations are described in the standard definitions as follows:
“Factoring [and factoring variations] is a form of receivables purchase, flexibly applied, in which sellers of goods and services sell their receivables (represented by outstanding invoices) at a discount to a finance provider (commonly known as the ‘factor’). A key differentiator of factoring is that typically the finance provider becomes responsible for managing the debtor portfolio and collecting the payment of the underlying receivables.”
(GSCFF, 2016, p39)

主要特点-Key features
Invoice discounting is a variation of factoring. The main feature of both is that they do not involve a loan but instead require the purchase of a receivable through an assignment or pledge of that receivable at a discount.
For many companies, the headline percentage of funding of 80–90 per cent of eligible debts may represent an actual financing of 70 per cent or less of the total receivables value. Nevertheless, the level of finance that can be raised against the value of receivables will be higher than when trying to utilise the same asset for a loan or overdraft.
The majority of factoring or invoice discounting facilities are predominantly domestically orientated and where export finance is provided, the finance provider needs to be satisfied that the debt can be enforced against the debtor in the debtor’s jurisdiction.


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