CITF-TOPIC 1- Trade agreements 学习笔记

贸易协定-Trade agreements

注意本节考点:不用记各种贸易协定的内容,但是要记 多边协定双边协定的定义!!

双边协定-Bilateral agreements
两贸易国之间设定的共同遵守的协定。(An agreement between two countries setting out the conditions under which trade between them will be conducted.)
多边协定-Multilateral agreements
旨在扩大和自由化国际贸易的政府间协议,这些协议涵盖了一系列非歧视性、可预见的和条件透明的权利和义务。(Intergovernmental agreements aimed at expanding and liberalising international trade under non‑discriminatory, predictable and transparent conditions set out in an array of rights and obligations.)


欧洲单一市场计划-The European Single Market Programme (SMP)
This was signed by European Union (EU) member states in February 1986. It contains around 270 measures to create a borderless single market for goods, capital, services and people.

关税同盟-Customs union
欧盟也是关税同盟。其成员国对来自非欧盟国家的进口产品征收共同关税也可以在没有边境检查的情况下自由交易。欧盟国家自动受益于欧盟与其他国家达成的贸易协议,但不能设定自己的关税。( The EU is also a customs union. Its members impose common tariffs on imports from non‑EU countries and can trade freely with each other without border checks. EU countries automatically benefit from trade deals that the EU strikes with other states but cannot set their own tariffs.)


  • 非洲大陆自由贸易区-African Continental Free Trade Area;
  • 东盟自由贸易区-ASEAN Free Trade Area;
  • 全面和进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定-Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP);
  • 欧亚经济联盟-Eurasian Economic Union;
  • 欧盟委员会:双边贸易和投资协定-European Commission: bilateral trade and investment agreements;
  • 大阿拉伯自由贸易区-Greater Arab Free Trade Area;
  • 北美自由贸易协定-North American Free Trade Agreement;
  • 区域全面经济伙伴关系-Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership;
  • 南部非洲发展共同体-Southern African Development Community.

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