CITF-学习笔记(4.1 The contract)

4.1.1 Negotiating the contract
4.1.2 Information included in an international sales contract

In general terms, for a valid contract to come into effect, the following conditions must have been met:

  • There must be a firm offer and an acceptance of that offer.
  • There must be an intention to create a contract.
  • There must be consideration – each party provides something to the other.
  • There must be capacity to contract – for a limited company that means that the nature of the business is within the objectives set out in the company’s memorandum and articles.(必须有能力签订合同 – 对于有限公司而言,这意味着业务性质在公司备忘录和章程中规定的目标范围内)
  • Consent must be freely given without duress and without basis in false information.(必须在没有胁迫和虚假信息依据的情况下同意。)
  • The purpose must be legal.

The requirement for formal validity of a contract will differ in jurisdictions around the world. Local legal advice should always be taken as sometimes local laws will apply irrespective of the governing law chosen in the contract. In some jurisdictions even a verbal agreement is binding.(合同正式有效性的要求因世界各地的司法管辖区而异。应始终接受当地法律建议,因为有时无论合同中选择的管辖法律如何,当地法律都将适用。在某些法域,甚至口头协议也具有约束力。)

When the parties involved are frequent and experienced traders, they will usually each have a standard set of contract terms that they would like to impose on any orders. On many occasions, the parties involved will be satisfied with a pro forma invoice or an email with the specifications of the goods or services to be delivered, which will then be returned by the buyer with their approval.(当涉及的各方是频繁且经验丰富的交易者时,他们通常会有一套标准的合同条款,他们希望对任何订单施加这些条款。在许多情况下,有关各方将收到形式发票或电子邮件,其中包含要交付的货物或服务的规格,然后由买方在获得批准后退回。)

“[An] invoice, usually one sent to a new customer, asking for payment before goods or services are supplied.” (Cambridge Dictionary, no date)


