CITF-学习笔记(11.6 供应链金融创新-Innovation in supply chain finance II)

11.6 供应链金融创新-Innovation in supply chain finance II

Role of distributed ledger technology and smart contracts
Supply chain finance solutions today are predominantly invoice‑driven. The advances in technology and digitisation mean the opportunity to extend supply chain finance to delivering an end‑to‑end solution will be possible, covering the purchase order and inventory stages of the trade cycle. However, most of the distributed ledger and smart contract collaborations in place today are more focused on improving the management and delivery of existing trade and supply chain finance solutions rather than on new product development.

数字颠覆者的进入-Entry of digital disruptors
As a consequence of the 2007–08 global financial crisis, banks have been required to strategically review the deployment of their capital. This has created the opportunity for new entrants to become disrupters of the status quo, using their agility to capture business from banks and existing financial institutions. Many have developed or adapted new technology and e‑platforms aimed at SMEs with a promise to provide a more customer‑friendly and quicker service, without having to go through the laborious onboarding and credit processes employed by banks and others.

高效交付传统解决方案-Efficient delivery of traditional solutions
However, most of these alternative finance providers have not necessarily created new product solutions and have replicated the existing post‑shipment factoring and/or payables finance solutions. They have succeeded in being more flexible and providing immediate finance against an upload of single or multiple invoices, with speedier credit decisions often employing automated credit algorithms.


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