CITF-TOPIC 2- Banks 学习笔记

2.2.2 银行-Banks

贸易融资产品-Trade finance products

Banks offer a range of products, from simple payment systems to more complex methods such as documentary credits or commodity hedging. These include:
货币风险 – 大多数银行会就货币风险以及如何解决这个问题向客户提供建议。 Currency risk – most banks will advise their customers on currency risk and how to address this.
付款 – 所有银行都向买家或卖家提供有关在海外付款和接收付款,所涉及的风险以及为最大限度地降低风险而提供的机制的建议。
Payments – all banks advise buyers or sellers on making and receiving payments overseas, the risks involved, and the mechanisms offered to minimise risk.
经济报告 – 其中许多将在有关个别国家的经济报告中得到解决。一些银行在内部制作这些报告,而另一些银行则推荐其他方制作的报告。涵盖的领域包括生活水平,消费者支出,外汇储备以及适用于进口到该国的法规和控制。
Economic reports – Many of these will be addressed in economic reports about individual countries. Some banks produce these internally while others recommend reports produced by other parties. Areas covered include the standard of living, consumer expenditure, foreign exchange reserves, as well as regulations and controls that apply to imports into the country.

第三方供应商的简介-Introductions to third-party providers

Most banks also help their customers to develop their international trade operations by introducing them to specialists in related areas. These services include the following.
第三方检验和质量控制 – 这些作为减轻供应商不符合合同标准的风险的作用。 Third‑party inspection and quality control – these act as mitigants against the risks related to a supplier not meeting contracted standards.
文件 – 一些银行提供有关贸易、运输、商业和保险文件的建议。
Documentation – some banks provide advice on trade, transport, commercial and insurance documents.


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