CITF-学习笔记(11.5.4 分销商融资-Distributor finance I)

11.5.4 分销商融资-Distributor finance I

定义:This technique is described in the standard definitions as follows:
分销商融资是为大型制造商的分销商提供融资,以支付转售货物的持有费用,并弥合流动性缺口,直到在向零售商或最终客户出售货物后收到应收账款的资金。“Distributor finance is the provision of financing for a distributor of a large manufacturer to cover the holding of goods for re‑sale and to bridge the liquidity gap until the receipt of funds from  receivables following the sale of goods to a retailer or end‑customer.”
(GSCFF, 2016, p52)

Distributor finance programmes are designed to support the relationship between the manufacturer and its distributors. The finance is there to facilitate increased stocking by the distributor and onward sales to end customers. It is typically offered (primarily by banks) as a loan or advance, where the client is the onward seller of the goods, against the sales invoice generated by a major manufacturer.

Distributors attracted to this type of arrangement are typically SMEs that will be drawn to the cheaper pricing of the finance and possibly the increased ‘tie‑in’ with the manufacturer.

The manufacturer is often called the ‘anchor party’ in this context, although it is not necessarily party to the financing of the arrangement itself. **The manufacturer is central to the programme and,  Because it has a vested interest in the successful performance of its distributor network, it will  typically sponsor the financing arrangement by having a master distributor finance agreement with the finance provider.

Such finance is typically provided by way of a loan or advance directly to the distributor to fund inventory and receivables on a short‑term basis.


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