CITF-学习笔记(3.8.7 银行汇票和客户支票 Bank drafts and customer cheques)

3.8.7 银行汇票和客户支票 Bank drafts and customer cheques


Payments can also be made with bank drafts, a form of cheque drawn by a buyer’s bank, payable to the seller and drawn on the buyer’s bank’s correspondent in the seller’s country. If the draft is in the seller’s own currency, the funds can be credited directly to the seller’s account. If the draft is not in the seller’s currency, its bank may negotiate the draft and credit the local currency equivalent at the prevailing exchange rate, subject to any charges. Otherwise, the bank will send the draft to the drawee bank for collection of the proceeds. Settlement between the banks will be via the nostro and vostro accounts.


买方可以通过签发自己的支票付款,但须遵守当地的外汇管制条例。卖方的银行可以同意议付支票 – 即贷记卖方的账户 – 或将支票发送给其代理以获得付款,即通过跟单清收。
A buyer can pay by issuing its own cheque, subject to local exchange control regulations. The seller’s bank may either agree to negotiate the cheque – credit the seller’s account immediately – or send the cheque to its correspondent to obtain payment, ie via a documentary collection (see Topic 8).

Negotiation will involve a charge to the seller to cover the interest and handling cost to the bank for the period between making and receiving payment. This charge can be built into the exchange rate if the cheque is in a foreign currency. Negotiation will be ‘with recourse’, ie if the cheque is unpaid, the bank will debit the seller’s account to recover the amount originally negotiated. Negotiation facilities are therefore at the bank’s discretion.

A collection means that the seller will only get funds when its bank receives payment from the buyer’s bank.


3.8代理银行业务-Correspondent banking


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