CITF-学习笔记(5.2.2 基于贸易的洗钱活动的主要方法 Main methods used in trade‑based money laundering)

5.2.2 基于贸易的洗钱活动的主要方法
Main methods used in trade‑based money laundering

沃尔夫斯堡集团(Wolfsberg Group)、国际商会(ICC)和BAFT的一份报告强调了基于贸易的洗钱活动”掩盖资金非法流动”的主要方法。例子包括”歪曲商品的价格,质量或数量”(Wolfsberg Group,ICC和BAFT,2019)。
A report by the Wolfsberg Group, ICC and BAFT highlights the main methods used in trade‑based money laundering “to obscure the illegal movement of funds”. Examples include “misrepresent[ing] the price, quality or quantity of goods” (Wolfsberg Group, ICC and BAFT, 2019).

基于贸易的洗钱方法-Trade-based methods of money laundering
Method Description

By misrepresenting the price of the goods in the invoice and other documentation (stating it at above the true value) the seller gains excess value as a result of the payment.

发票不足额开具 Under‑invoicing
By misrepresenting the price of the goods in the invoice and other documentation (stating it as below the true value) the buyer gains excess value when the payment is made.

多重开票 Multiple invoicing
By issuing more than one invoice for the same goods a seller can justify the receipt of multiple payments. This will be harder to detect if the colluding parties use more than one [financial institution].

短装 Short‑shipping
The seller ships less than the invoiced quantity or quality of goods, thereby misrepresenting the true value of goods in the documents. The effect is similar to over‑invoicing.

超装 Over‑shipping
The seller ships more than the invoiced quantity or quality of goods, thereby misrepresenting the true value of goods in the documents. The effect is similar to under‑invoicing.

故意混淆商品类型 Deliberate obfuscation of the type of goods
Parties may structure a transaction in a way to avoid alerting any suspicion to FIs or to other third parties which become involved. This may simply involve omitting information from the relevant documentation or deliberately disguising or falsifying it. This activity may or may not involve a degree of collusion between the parties involved and may be for a variety of reasons or purposes.

幽灵运输 Phantom shipping
No goods are shipped and all documentation is completely falsified.

Note: In all of these scenarios, in order for the illegal activity to have the most chance of success, there will be collusion between buyer and seller. For example, with over‑invoicing, the buyer will be well aware that it is being asked to pay an inflated price. The purpose of over‑invoicing is, of course, for an illegitimate payment to be made from the buyer to the seller separate and in addition to the purported trade transaction.



返回:5.2 金融犯罪的形式Forms of financial crime


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