CITF-学习笔记(5.4.1 Risk based approach)

5.4.1 基于风险的方法 Risk‑based approach

The risk‑based approach, introduced by the FATF in 2014, requires member jurisdictions to first identify, assess and understand the money‑laundering and terrorist‑financing risks that they are exposed to. The second recommended step is to implement effective mitigation measures that are commensurate to those risks (FATF, 2014).

The key factors to consider when applying a risk‑based approach include:
1.product type;产品类型
3.customer type;客户类型
4.volume and value of transactions.交易量和交易价值

By taking a risk‑based approach, banks can ensure they focus their systems and controls on areas of highest risk. The same key factors have also been identified by the FATF in their international standards on combatting money laundering, financing of terrorism and proliferation: the FATF Recommendations (see section 5.4.3).



返回:5.4 预防金融犯罪-Financial crime prevention

CITF-学习笔记(5.4 Financial crime prevention)

5.4 预防金融犯罪-Financial crime prevention

Financial crime is a global problem, and a number of international bodies have been created to pool resources in the fight against it. The FATF (covered in section 5.4.2) and the Wolfsberg Group (covered in section 5.4.3) promote a risk based approach to managing financial crime. CDD and KYC are inherent components of the risk based approach. You will learn about this specifically with reference to account opening and maintenance in section 5.4.5. Finally, you will learn about some key indicators of trade based financial crime in section 5.4.6.

5.4.1 Risk based approach
5.4.2 Financial Action Task Force
5.4.3 FATF Recommendations
5.4.4 The Wolfsberg Group
5.4.5 Financial intelligence units
5.4.6 Due diligence
5.4.7 Monitoring key indicators



CITF-学习笔记(5.3 Effects of financial crime)

5.3 金融犯罪的影响-Effects of financial crime

As highlighted at the start of this topic, financial crime can have devastating effects, expanding beyond financial implications to include people, communities and countries. For banks themselves, the following are two key risks that arise from becoming party – however unwittingly – to financial crime.

声誉风险-Reputational risk
Banks that become involved in a major money‑laundering or terrorist‑financing incident will suffer damage to their reputation that may prove more costly than any fines imposed. Additionally, the more that a bank is perceived认为 to be weak in its control of financial crime, the more attractive it becomes to criminals and the less attractive it becomes as a correspondent bank. Many banks have undergone a process of rationalising their correspondent banking network to avoid potential exposure to banks without sufficiently high standards of compliance. This process is widely known as ‘de‑risking’.

“Banks or financial institutions that act as an agent on behalf of other financial institutions, usually foreign banks” (Bankrate, 2018). Services offered include cross‑border payments, treasury management, foreign exchange and international investments.

法律风险-Legal risk
The penalties for breaching regulations relating to financial crime can range from fines on financial institutions to, in extreme cases, loss of banking licences. Individuals may be prevented from working in the finance industry and potentially face imprisonment. A bank must, therefore, ensure that all employees are informed of their obligations under the law and receive regular training.

Every bank must have written policies and procedures for escalating suspicions related to financial crime. Practitioners must be aware of these procedures and know to whom they must report suspicions.



CITF-学习笔记(5.2.8 Other forms of financial crime)

5.2.8 其他形式的金融犯罪-Other forms of financial crime

The banking system is vulnerable to fraudulent acts. The following are some issues of which practitioners need to be particularly aware.

Stealing money, property or services by deception, false pretences or misrepresentation.

伪造的签名-Forged signatures
A bank has virtually no chance of recovering on a draft, cheque or promissory note from any party whose signature has been forged.

假冒、有缺陷或不存在的商品-Fake, faulty or non‑existent goods
Banks often rely on the goods for security in a trade transaction and if the goods themselves have no value, the bank has no security. An independent inspection of the goods prior to lending may mitigate this risk.

欺诈性索赔-Fraudulent claims
Fraudulent claims occur most often in the insurance industry. A common example is inflated claims, where either the value of what is lost is exaggerated or the claim is ‘added to’ by including other goods that were not damaged. Whilst relatively rare, fraudulent claims may also be made against demand guarantees and standby letters of credit (see Topic 10).

Some of the main dangers to the world banking system come from criminals intent on stealing money from banks or their clients by illegally hacking into IT systems, often diverting funds and information for their own benefit. Another common form of cybercrime is ‘phishing’, where emails purporting to come from banks persuade clients to reveal passwords and other private information to criminals.

与贸易有关的欺诈-Fraud related to trade
Fraud can take place at various points in international supply chains. Transport documents such as bills of lading can be forged. Useful sources of information include Lloyd’s of London Sea‑Searcher checks and publicly available information from shipping companies that identify vessel journeys. Documents can contain false information intended to obfuscate fraudulent deals or to obtain financing to which one is not entitled.



返回:5.2 金融犯罪的形式Forms of financial crime

CITF-学习笔记(5.2.7 扩散和扩散筹资-Proliferation and proliferation financing)

5.2.7 扩散和扩散筹资-Proliferation and proliferation financing

联合国安理会第1540号决议申明”核生化武器及其运载工具的扩散对国际和平与安全构成威胁”UN Security Council Resolution 1540 affirms that “the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as well as their means of delivery, constitutes a threat to international peace and security” (UNODA, 2004).

Certain countries have been accused of bombing their own citizens using chemical weapons or using chemical nerve agents against individuals living in other countries who are seen to be a threat. There is near unanimous international agreement that the spread of weapons of mass destruction should be curtailed. Regions such as the EU control the “export, transit and brokering of dual‑use items” as part of efforts to ensure international peace and security, and to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (European Commission, 2018).

数量或金额的突然增加。A sudden increase in number or amount.

扩散融资-Proliferation financing
违反国家法律,提供全部或部分用于制造、获取、拥有、开发、出口、转运、中间商交易、运输、转让、储存或使用核生化武器及其运载工具和相关材料(包括用于非合法目的的技术和两用货物)的资金或金融服务的行为, 或在适用的情况下,国际义务。
“[T]he act of providing funds or financial services which are used, in whole or in part, for the manufacture, acquisition, possession, development, export, trans‑shipment, brokering, transport, transfer, stockpiling or use of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons and their means of delivery and related materials (including both technologies and dual use goods for non‑legitimate purposes), in contravention of national laws, or where applicable, international obligations.” (FATF, 2010)

两用物品 Dual‑use items
Goods, software and technology that can be used for both civilian and military applications.

采取基于风险的方法 Taking a risk‑based approach
The most obvious way that financial institutions can contribute is to adopt a risk‑based approach and have an effective policy in place for transactions involving dual‑use goods. This should begin when customer due diligence (CDD) and know your customer (KYC) checks are carried out on new customers. Enhanced CDD should also incorporate checks on dual‑use goods and high‑risk jurisdictions. You will learn more about KYC and CDD in section 5.4.5. Identification of dual‑use goods in trade transactions can be challenging given their complex and technical nature.

If a pharmaceutical company purchases bacterial strains for medical research, such a transaction will probably be considered legitimate. If, however, the buyer is found to be engaged in another industry then clearly all parties involved in the transaction must be investigated further. These investigations must be documented and the suspicions reported as appropriate.

Most of the regulatory provisions regarding weapons of mass destruction fall within sanctions regimes. However, bank personnel must be aware of these concerns and remain alert.



返回:5.2 金融犯罪的形式Forms of financial crime

CITF-学习笔记(5.2.6 制裁筛选-Sanctions screening)

 5.2.6 制裁筛选-Sanctions screening

许多系统提供了强大的筛选流程,事实证明,该流程比运营银行员工手动执行的检查要有效得多。然后,具有处理潜在问题技能的员工可以专注于在线系统生成的警报。Many systems provide a robust screening process that has proved to be far more effective than checks carried out manually by operational bank staff. Staff with the skills to deal with potential issues can then focus on alerts generated by online systems.

Such systems provide a wide range of services and have the ability to track:
1.marine vessels; 船
2.high‑risk organisations; and 组织
3.politically exposed persons (PEPs). 个人
Banks and financial institutions must focus on training and providing their staff with up‑to‑date knowledge in order for them to deal with the information generated. Detailed records of potential breaches and consequential actions must be maintained and retained.(必须维护和保留潜在违规行为和后果性行动的详细记录。)

CITF-学习笔记(5.2.5 与资助恐怖主义有关的制裁Sanctions relating to terrorist financing)

5.2.5 与资助恐怖主义有关的制裁Sanctions relating to terrorist financing

The UN regularly issues a list of known terrorist organisations and individuals to the regulatory agencies of governments and banks around the globe.

In addition, some countries apply financial sanctions against targeted individuals and countries.Banks will be subject to these sanctions to the extent that their laws specify.

金融机构将把这些清单迁移到其支付和贸易交易中心和系统中。当 SWIFT 报文通过这些中心时,将根据名单对它们进行筛选,以检查是否受到制裁的个人和组织。Financial institutions will migrate these lists into their payment and trade transaction centres and systems. As SWIFT messages go through these centres, they will be screened against the lists to check for individuals and organisations subject to sanctions.

银行和金融机构的工作人员需要意识到制裁如何凌驾于其他国际公认的规则之上,例如您在之前的主题中了解到的ICC规则。例如,制裁推翻了国际刑事法院关于跟单信用证的规则,例如UCP 600。此外,使用制裁条款可能会造成混淆,特别是在需要确认的情况下。可能是确认跟单信用证的银行无法履行其约定,也无法向卖方付款,因为所提交的文件中含有违反制裁制度的要素。例如,因为运载货物的船舶属于受制裁制度管辖的国籍。
Staff at banks and financial institutions need to be aware of how sanctions can override other internationally accepted rules such as the ICC rules you learned about in earlier topics. For example, sanctions overrule ICC rules for documentary credits, eg UCP 600. Additionally, the use of sanctions clauses can cause confusion, especially where confirmation is required. It could be that a bank confirming a documentary credit is prevented from fulfilling its engagement and is prevented from paying the seller because of elements in the submitted documents that represent a violation of a sanction regime. For example, because the vessel carrying the goods is of a nationality subject to a sanction regime.

CITF-学习笔记( 5.2.4 逃避制裁Sanctions evasion)

 5.2.4 逃避制裁Sanctions evasion

“Sanctions are a tool that can be used to persuade an individual, organisation or country to conform to specific rules or laws. Most sanctions are economically and/or politically motivated and may encompass the freezing of assets, including payments; restrictions on trade; cessation of diplomatic, cultural, and sport exchanges; and even military intervention. Sanctions may be issued by national and supranational bodies and can take on different forms. They can be preventative or reactive in nature, as well as domestic or international in focus.

While a range of different sanctions may be applied, those most often impacting on financial institutions are financial sanctions. These generally restrict or prohibit the passing of funds or economic resources to certain individuals, entities, or even countries.”
“Sanctions are most often used internationally:
to change the behaviour of a specific country or regime;
to pressure a specific country or regime to achieve an outcome;
to prevent the financing of terrorism;
when international peace and security is threatened;
when all diplomatic efforts have failed.”



返回:5.2 金融犯罪的形式Forms of financial crime

CITF-学习笔记(5.2.3 恐怖主义融资Terrorist financing)

5.2.3 恐怖主义融资Terrorist financing

然而,对恐怖主义没有单一的定义,因为金融行动工作组的定义包括”为对平民或对武装冲突局势中未积极参与敌对行动的任何其他人造成死亡或严重身体伤害而进行的有关意图的未指明行为,其目的是恐吓民众, 或政府或国际组织的强制行动
There is no single definition of terrorism, however, as a catch‑all the FATF definition includes“unspecified acts carried out with the relevant intention to cause death or serious bodily injury to a civilian, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities in a situation of armed conflict with the purpose of intimidating a population, or compelling action by a government or an international organisation” (FATF, 2016).

影响:Implications of terrorist financing
The reputational risk to any bank that becomes involved in terrorist financing is potentially huge.The implications are not just financial and reputational but may be devastating in human terms.

Similarities between money laundering and terrorist financing
There are common features between money laundering and terrorist financing.
The destination of money used to support terrorism has to be disguised in the same way as the source of laundered funds.
Both activities involve the financial sector.

Even if the source of funding for terrorist activity is legitimate, terrorists will often attempt to disguise it in order to preserve future funding. Many of the techniques used will be the same as techniques used to disguise the sources of the proceeds of crime.
Banks also face difficulties in identifying assets that are derived from legitimate sources but are destined to fund future acts of terrorism.

The key to preventing both money laundering and terrorist financing is the adoption of robust customer due diligence (CDD) procedures, both at the commencement of a relationship and on a continuing basis (see section 5.4.5).



返回:5.2 金融犯罪的形式Forms of financial crime

CITF-学习笔记(5.2.2 基于贸易的洗钱活动的主要方法 Main methods used in trade‑based money laundering)

5.2.2 基于贸易的洗钱活动的主要方法
Main methods used in trade‑based money laundering

沃尔夫斯堡集团(Wolfsberg Group)、国际商会(ICC)和BAFT的一份报告强调了基于贸易的洗钱活动”掩盖资金非法流动”的主要方法。例子包括”歪曲商品的价格,质量或数量”(Wolfsberg Group,ICC和BAFT,2019)。
A report by the Wolfsberg Group, ICC and BAFT highlights the main methods used in trade‑based money laundering “to obscure the illegal movement of funds”. Examples include “misrepresent[ing] the price, quality or quantity of goods” (Wolfsberg Group, ICC and BAFT, 2019).

基于贸易的洗钱方法-Trade-based methods of money laundering
Method Description

By misrepresenting the price of the goods in the invoice and other documentation (stating it at above the true value) the seller gains excess value as a result of the payment.

发票不足额开具 Under‑invoicing
By misrepresenting the price of the goods in the invoice and other documentation (stating it as below the true value) the buyer gains excess value when the payment is made.

多重开票 Multiple invoicing
By issuing more than one invoice for the same goods a seller can justify the receipt of multiple payments. This will be harder to detect if the colluding parties use more than one [financial institution].

短装 Short‑shipping
The seller ships less than the invoiced quantity or quality of goods, thereby misrepresenting the true value of goods in the documents. The effect is similar to over‑invoicing.

超装 Over‑shipping
The seller ships more than the invoiced quantity or quality of goods, thereby misrepresenting the true value of goods in the documents. The effect is similar to under‑invoicing.

故意混淆商品类型 Deliberate obfuscation of the type of goods
Parties may structure a transaction in a way to avoid alerting any suspicion to FIs or to other third parties which become involved. This may simply involve omitting information from the relevant documentation or deliberately disguising or falsifying it. This activity may or may not involve a degree of collusion between the parties involved and may be for a variety of reasons or purposes.

幽灵运输 Phantom shipping
No goods are shipped and all documentation is completely falsified.

Note: In all of these scenarios, in order for the illegal activity to have the most chance of success, there will be collusion between buyer and seller. For example, with over‑invoicing, the buyer will be well aware that it is being asked to pay an inflated price. The purpose of over‑invoicing is, of course, for an illegitimate payment to be made from the buyer to the seller separate and in addition to the purported trade transaction.



返回:5.2 金融犯罪的形式Forms of financial crime