CITF-学习笔记(5.2.1洗钱 Money laundering)

5.2.1洗钱 Money laundering

Money laundering refers to the offence of concealing(隐瞒) and transferring illegally obtained money, then reintroducing it back into the financial system. Put simply, the purpose of money laundering is to make ‘dirty’ money obtained through illegal activity look ‘clean’.

The ‘laundering’ process involves changing the ownership of illegally procured assets such as cash, bank accounts, cars, machinery and houses to hide underlying illicit transactions. The origin of these assets is further disguised so that the sources seem legitimate. These assets are then channelled back into the financial system.

Historically, the term ‘money laundering’ was only applied to financial transactions carried out by organised crime such as in the illegal drug trade. However, the term now also covers white collar crime such as tax evasion and false accounting as well.

Money launderers are becoming increasingly sophisticated and it is, therefore, even more difficult to spot suspect transactions. For example, if a documentary credit is used as a means to ‘clean’ money, all of the three stages could take place at the same time.

In many countries, banks are required by law to have procedures in place, including appropriate staff training, to forestall money laundering.



返回:5.2 金融犯罪的形式Forms of financial crime

CITF-学习笔记( 5.2 金融犯罪的形式-Forms of financial crime)

 5.2 金融犯罪的形式-Forms of financial crime

5.2.1 Money laundering
5.2.2 Main methods used in trade‑based money laundering
5.2.3 Terrorist financing
5.2.4 Sanctions evasion
5.2.5 Sanctions relating to terrorist financing
5.2.6 Sanctions screening
5.2.7 Proliferation and proliferation financing
5.2.8 Other forms of financial crime

In the sections that follow we will cover money laundering, terrorist financing, sanctions evasion and the underlying activities that drive financial crime.

洗钱-Money laundering
这是指隐瞒通过贩毒等刑事犯罪获得的资金来源的行为。您将在 5.2.1 节中了解有关此内容的更多信息。
This refers to the act of concealing the origins of money that has been obtained through criminal offences such as drug trafficking. You will learn more about this in section 5.2.1.

恐怖主义融资-Terrorist financing
Defining terrorist financing is a fairly straightforward matter, but it is difficult to find a universal definition of a terrorist. You will learn more about the definition of terrorist acts used by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the United Nations (UN) in section 5.2.2.

逃避制裁-Sanctions evasion
实施国际制裁是为了威慑和惩罚破坏和平世界秩序稳定的活动。您将在第 5.2.3 节中了解有关制裁以及如何规避制裁的更多信息。
International sanctions are put in place to deter and punish activity that destabilises the peaceful world order. You will learn more about sanctions and how they are evaded in section 5.2.3.

基础活动-Underlying activities
The following are some of the underlying activities that drive financial crime.
1.人口拐卖 – “…通过武力、欺诈或欺骗招募、运送、转移、窝藏或接收人员,目的是利用他们牟利。所有年龄和各种背景的男人、妇女和儿童都可能成为这种罪行的受害者,这种罪行发生在世界每个地区。
Human trafficking – “… the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit. Men, women and children of all ages and from all backgrounds can become victims of this crime, which occurs in every region of the world.” (UNODC, no date a)
2.移民走私 – “…为经济或其他物质利益,为非正常进入移徙者非国民或非居民的国家提供便利。
Migrant smuggling – “… the facilitation, for financial or other material gain, of irregular entry into a country where the migrant is not a national or resident.” (UNODC, no date b)
3.非法药物 – 《2020年世界毒品报告》详细列出了2018年估计有2.69亿非法药物使用者。这占全球人口的5.3%
Illegal drugs – The World Drug Report 2020 details an estimated 269m users of illegal drugs in 2018. This represents 5.3% of the global population (UNODC, 2020).



CITF-学习笔记(5.1 开立账户贸易和金融犯罪-Open account trade and financial crime)

5.1 开立账户贸易和金融犯罪-Open account trade and financial crime

Banks have played a crucial role in international trade’s meteoric rise through offering services and products that allow buyers and sellers to increase their trading activity.银行通过提供服务和产品,使买卖双方能够增加其交易活动,在国际贸易的迅速增长中发挥了至关重要的作用。

In any trade transaction, it is likely that more than one bank will be involved at some point. However, as you learned in earlier topics, banks rarely come into physical contact with the goods being traded; they deal only with documentation. The amount and form of documentation provided varies according to the type of transaction.

With documentary credits, for example, banks will probably have access to shipping, commercial and financial documents such as bills of lading, commercial invoices and bills of exchange. In contrast, with open account trade, there may be little or no documentation available. As a consequence,financial crime is much harder to detect, particularly in relation to money laundering.



CITF-学习笔记(4.5.1 仲裁法院Arbitration courts)

4.5.1 仲裁法院Arbitration courts

有许多组织提供仲裁服务;ICC 就是其中之一。自1923年成立以来,国际商会国际仲裁法院(称为”法院”)已处理了23,300多起案件,2017年涉及当事人的案件和来自142个国家的仲裁(ICC,2018年)。其他仲裁法院包括:
There are a number of organisations that provide arbitration services; ICC is one of them. Since its inception in 1923, the ICC International Court of Arbitration (known as ‘the Court’) has handled more than 23,300 cases, and in 2017 the cases involved parties and arbitration from 142 countries (ICC, 2018). Other arbitration courts include:
• 伦敦国际仲裁院-the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA);
• 美国仲裁协会国际争议解决中心-the American Arbitration Association International Centre for Dispute Resolution;
• 香港国际仲裁中心the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre.

The Court and other institutions have established rules of arbitration and model contract terms. The LCIA (2021) recommends that the following arbitration clause be inserted into contracts:

• “Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the Rules of the LCIA, which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference to this clause.(由本合同引起或与本合同有关的任何争议,包括有关其存在、有效性或终止的任何问题,均应提交并最终根据伦敦国际仲裁院规则通过仲裁解决,该规则被视为通过参考本条款并入。)
• The number of arbitrators shall be [one/three].(仲裁员人数为[一名/三名])
• The seat, or legal place, of arbitration shall be [City and/or Country].(仲裁地或法定地点应为[城市和/或国家]。)
• The language used in the arbitration proceedings shall be [. . .].(仲裁程序中使用的语言应为[. . ..])
• The governing law of the contract shall be the substantive law of [. . .](合同的准据法应为[……]的实体法。)”.
The English courts have reinforced the value of arbitration clauses by deciding that businesses that freely enter into such clauses should expect to resolve disputes accordingly.

Typically, the party raising the dispute will refer the matter, with reasons, to the arbitration court agreed upon. If the dispute is submitted to the ICC Court, the other party must respond within 30 days.
The arbitrators will then study these submissions and related documents and hear the arguments put by the parties. The arbitrators will hear witnesses, including experts, called by the parties and may appoint their own experts to examine the issues.
The decision made by the arbitrators, including deciding who should pay the costs of arbitration, is binding upon the parties. However, there will be an appeal process, for example if one party feels that the arbitrators have been biased.

All parties involved in a sale of goods or services should be well aware of their rights, duties and liabilities. A contract, in whatever form it takes, is the best way to formalise the obligations of both parties and helps to avoid disputes. However, breaches in contract can occur and, should there be a misunderstanding or dispute, there are guidelines and institutions to facilitate resolutions.



CITF-学习笔记( 4.5 争议处理和仲裁-Dispute handling and arbitration)

 4.5 争议处理和仲裁-Dispute handling and arbitration

However carefully contracts are drawn up, it is impossible to foresee every eventuality and, when buyers and sellers are unfamiliar with each other’s commercial practices, laws and customs, misunderstandings will occur.

When this happens, there are three basic means of resolving a dispute:
1) 双方首先试图达成双方都满意的妥协。这很便宜,没有第三方费用(仲裁员或律师),如果成功,也不会妨碍未来共同开展业务的机会。
Both sides first attempt to reach a mutually satisfactory compromise. This is cheap, with no third‑party fees (arbitrators or lawyers) and, if successful, will not get in the way of future opportunities for doing business together.
2) 仲裁涉及双方同意以独立的方式解决争议,并决定各方应采取何种措施来解决问题。这涉及到成本。
Arbitration involves both sides agreeing to an independent means of resolving a dispute and deciding what each party should do to resolve matters. There are costs involved.
3) 一种涉及律师和法院的法律补救措施,可能在不熟悉的司法管辖区。在双方都听取了法律意见后,他们可以同意妥协或将事情提交法院做出决定。向法院申请解决争议的决定通常是最后的手段,因为结果的不确定性,成本和当事人之间经常产生的不良情绪。然而,当一般法律原则有争议时,这可能是唯一的选择。
A legal remedy involving lawyers and courts, maybe in unfamiliar jurisdictions. After both sides have taken legal advice, they may agree to compromise or take matters before a court for a decision. An application to a court for a decision to resolve a dispute is usually a last resort because of the uncertainty of outcome, the cost and the bad feeling that is often engendered between the parties. However, when a general principle of law is at issue, this may be the only option.

Overseas agents can prove to be useful when a dispute arises. In fact, a reputable agent should prevent a dispute from arising in the first place. However, that is not always the case. Agents, frequently of the same nationality and culture as the overseas customer, can stray from full support of their principal’s interests, particularly if regular communication is not maintained.
Because there is always a possibility that a dispute may end up in court, it is vital that contracts specify the jurisdiction that will apply and that the jurisdiction specified is one that is respected and whose laws are clear. If arbitration clauses are included in a contract, the jurisdiction specified should be one that is tolerant of arbitration.
Arbitration can come about either because the parties to a contract have written an arbitration clause into the contract or because, when a dispute has arisen, they have agreed to resolve the issues by arbitration.

Some countries have adopted UNCITRAL’s ‘Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration’(originally published in 1985). This law defines an arbitration agreement as:
“an agreement by the parties to submit to arbitration all or certain disputes which have arisen or which may arise between them in respect of a defined legal relationship, whether contractual or not”;
“an arbitration agreement may be in the form of an arbitration clause in a contract or in the form of a separate agreement”. (UNCITRAL, 2008, p4)
Arbitration can therefore cover all aspects of a commercial contract, not just transport issues. The use of Incoterms® will make it easier to resolve matters covered by Incoterms®.




CITF-学习笔记(4.4.1《销售公约》的内容-Content of the CISG)

4.4.1《销售公约》的内容-Content of the CISG

The CISG is divided into four parts.

第一部分 – 适用范围和一般规定(第1-13条)
Part I – Sphere of application and general provisions (Articles 1–13)
The CISG is applied to sale of goods contracts between contracting states. It applies whether the parties reside in the same country or different countries. A contract between a trader from a contracting state and a trader from a country that has not ratified the CISG, such as India, may contain a clause that, in the event of arbitration, the CISG would apply. The CISG governs contracts for the international sales of goods between private businesses; it does not apply to sales to consumers and sales of services, and sales of certain specified types of goods are also outside its scope (for example, sales of stocks and shares, ships, planes and electricity are not governed by CISG).
One of the controversial features of the treaty is whether or not a contract needs to be signed to be binding. The CISG allows for a sales contract to be oral or unsigned; however, in some countries, a contract is not valid unless written. Parties to a contract will need to be aware of the rules that apply.

第二部分 – 合同的订立(第14-24条)
Part II – Formation of the contract (Articles 14–24)
Any offer to contract must be addressed to a person, must give full details of the goods, including price and quantity, and must indicate an intention for the person making the offer to be bound on acceptance.
Generally, once the offer has been made, it may only be subsequently revoked if the withdrawal reaches the offeree (ie the party to whom the offer has been made) before or at the same time as the offer has been received ,or before the offeree has accepted the offer. There are some offers that cannot be revoked, for example when the offeree has reasonably relied upon the offer as being irrevocable.
The CISG demands a positive act to indicate acceptance. Inactivity or silence is not recognised as acceptance.

第三部分 货物销售(第25-88条)
Part III – Sale of goods (Articles 25–88)
Articles 25–88 outline the obligations of the seller and of the buyer, including those common to the buyer and seller, and the passing of risk.
Under the CISG, the seller “must deliver the goods, hand over any documents relating to them and transfer the property of the goods, as required by the contract” (UNCITRAL, 2010, p9). The duty of the buyer is to take all steps “which could reasonably be expected” (p18) in order to both take delivery of the goods and pay for them. In addition, the buyer is to examine the goods and advise the seller within a “reasonable time” (p12) of any lack of conformity.
Although the CISG outlines when the risk passes from the seller to the buyer, in practice it is the underlying Incoterm® (such as FOB or CIF) that will be followed (see Topic 6 for further discussion of Incoterms®).

第四部分 – 最后条款(第89-101条)
Part IV – Final provisions (Articles 89–101)
The final provisions outline how and when the CISG comes into force, permitted reservations and declarations, and the application of the CISG to international sales where both trading countries have the same or similar law.



返回:4.4 《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(《销售公约》)
UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)

CITF-学习笔记(4.4.2 对《销售公约》的批评-Criticism of the CISG)

4.4.2 对《销售公约》的批评-Criticism of the CISG

In the event of breaches in contract, decisions made by the courts can be inconsistent between different contracting countries. This is because the CISG is naturally interpreted by judges using the underlying principles and methods that are common in their domestic law.

条约的多语言版本彼此之间并不完全一致- 尽管这可以说是所有翻译成多种语言的条约。
There is also criticism that the multiple‑language versions of the treaty are not totally consistent with each other – although this could be said about all treaties that are translated into multiple languages.

There is also criticism that the CISG is incomplete. For example, the CISG considers neither electronic contracts nor the sale of services, and it does not govern the validity of the contract.



返回:4.4 《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(《销售公约》)
UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)

CITF-学习笔记(4.4 《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(《销售公约》) UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG))

4.4 《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(《销售公约》)
UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)

4.4.1 Content of the CISG
4.4.2 Criticism of the CISG

The 1980 CISG is an agreement under international law that provides a code of legal rules governing the formation of contracts for the international sale of goods. The CISG was developed by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and although it was signed in Vienna in 1980 it did not come into force until 1 January 1998, when it was ratified by 11 countries. It is sometimes referred to as ‘the Vienna Convention’.

As of September 2020, it had been ratified by 94 countries, which accounts for a significant proportion of world trade.

Countries that have ratified the treaty are referred to within the treaty as ‘contracting states’. The CISG is deemed to be incorporated into the domestic law of any trade between these contracting states, unless excluded by the express terms of the individual contract.
The major absentees from this list include India, South Africa and the UK, which for domestic legal and governmental reasons have all decided not to ratify the CISG.
When dealing with counterparties in countries that have not ratified the treaty, traders need to be aware that local laws and customs will normally apply, unless otherwise specified in the contract, and they should not rely on the terms of the treaty to cover these transactions.
The CISG establishes universal rules for drafting international contracts and allows the exporter to avoid choice of law, which is a stage in the litigation of a case involving conflicts of laws.
The CISG is written in six languages – each described as “equally authentic” by UNCITRAL (2010, p32)– in a style that uses plain language. Each text avoids domestic legal terminologies and is translated so that it can be easily interpreted by the contracting states.

Small and mediu‑sized enterprises and traders located in developing countries can often have a relatively weak bargaining position when dealing with larger counterparties from the developed world. In addition, they generally lack access to legal advice when negotiating a contract. By providing fair and uniform regulations for contracts falling under its scope, the CISG can be particularly beneficial to such businesses.



CITF-学习笔记(4.3 合同管理 Contract management)

4.3 合同管理 Contract management

这个过程 – 从潜在的订单到确定的合同,最后到交付 – 通常非常耗时,并且可能涉及卖方方面的多个部门。在合同前阶段,卖方必须与其销售部门和生产或供应部门联系,以便能够报出潜在的交货日期和价格。账户或出口部门必须熟悉并准备出口文件。
The process – from potential order to a firm contract and finally to delivery – will often be time‑consuming and may involve several departments on the seller’s side. At pre‑contract stage, the seller will have to liaise with its sales department and the production or supply department to be able to quote potential delivery dates and prices. The accounts or export department will have to become familiar with, and prepare, export documentation.

The credit control manager must understand how to manage the risks and consider the most appropriate method of settlement. That could be payment by open account, documentary credit,payment in advance or by bill for collection, depending on the new customer’s credit standing and status report. We explore these methods of settlement, and the buyer and seller risks associated with each one, in more detail in Topic 7.

To fulfil the contract, a team effort is required and everyone involved must handle their part of the transaction with care to ensure that the export of goods is made in accordance with the relevant contract.
Supplies need to be ordered or labour arranged.
Goods must be manufactured.
Packaging must be arranged.
Transport and shipping space must be booked.
Goods will have to be despatched to the port, airport or place of destination in time, or services delivered in a timely manner.
All necessary documentation should be obtained and supplied by the export documentation department.
The buyer should be advised of shipping details.
All necessary documents must be submitted for payment directly to the buyer or via the banking system, depending on the method of payment set out in the contract, as quickly as possible.
Effective export order management will be required to oversee all these functions and to periodically check progress.

Changes in costs between the dates of order and final completion are not unusual and such risks must be allowed for, whether in raw materials, labour costs, insurance and freight costs, or the ever‑present factor of fluctuating exchange rates. The seller will need to monitor all of these issues if the contract is to be profitable and viable.



CITF-学习笔记(4.2 订单流程 The ordering process)

4.2 订单流程 The ordering process

The following list outlines in general terms how an order may be processed between a seller and a buyer. Note that this is only a guide and does not include financial instruments such as documentary credits or bills of exchange.
An enquiry is received from a buyer.
The seller determines whether they are able to fulfil the order and whether any modifications are required, etc.
An export‑costing exercise is carried out to verify whether the transaction is commercially viable.
Due diligence may be carried out by the seller at this point to establish the creditworthiness of the buyer.
A written quotation is submitted to the buyer.
If the buyer accepts the quotation, they place an order.
The seller accepts the order.
The order is processed by the seller and arrangements are made for shipment of the goods or delivery of services.
9.Goods are shipped.
Any relevant documents are forwarded direct to the buyer or through the banking system for presentation to the buyer.
Goods are received or services are delivered.
Payment is made at the time and according to the method set out in the contract.
Where there is an established relationship, email/fax or electronic documentation may be used.

For some countries, the seller has to provide the buyer with a pro forma invoice, giving all the details of the proposed shipment. This may be required by the buyer to comply with local import controls, or for an application to the central bank for a release of foreign exchange, or to obtain approval for the issue of a documentary credit.

Where there is no existing agreement, a seller may receive a pro forma invoice following a trade enquiry or even quite unexpectedly. In such cases, it represents a contractual offer from a potential buyer. The seller would need to make all necessary enquiries regarding the buyer and then decide whether to accept the pro forma invoice as submitted, to negotiate changes or to refuse it.

