CITF-学习笔记(3.8.3 资金转移的簿记 Bookkeeping for transfers of funds)

3.8.3 资金转移的簿记 Bookkeeping for transfers of funds

The following examples outline the bookkeeping for a French bank customer transferring funds to the bank account of a beneficiary abroad. It assumes that an account relationship exists between the respective banks.

In this example, the funds being transferred are denominated in euro.The French customer is debited with the euro amount, plus charges, and this amount is credited to the euro account of the overseas bank (this is a vostro account from the French bank’s point of view).
On receipt of the advice, the overseas bank withdraws the euro from the vostro account, converts it to local currency, and then credits the beneficiary with the currency equivalent, less its charges.

In this example, the transfer is denominated in foreign currency.
The customer is debited with the euro equivalent, plus charges, of the required currency amount and the nostro account is credited with the currency (if the French customer maintains a foreign currency account, then the appropriate currency amount can be debited to that account, and there will be no need to arrange for conversion into euro).
The overseas bank is advised that it can debit the nostro account with the requisite amount of currency and credit the funds to the account of the beneficiary.

The various methods of settlement all involve the same bookkeeping. The only difference is the method by which the overseas bank is advised about the transfer.


3.8代理银行业务-Correspondent banking

CITF-学习笔记(3.8.1 付款 Payments)

3.8.1 付款 Payments

There is strong pressure on financial organisations to deliver ever speedier and more efficient means of payment for international trade between countries.

Within the EU, the disappearance of exchange control regulations restricting transfers of funds in and out of countries has removed official barriers and delays to international money transmission,although it is important that full and accurate records of all transactions are maintained for statistical purposes, and also to aid detection of money laundering and other economic crimes.

Most banks now offer a full range of choices for international financial transactions, with prices reflecting the speed with which the transaction is completed. The rule is generally that the quicker the beneficiary (seller) receives cleared funds in its account, the higher the charge for the transaction. In today’s IT‑enabled environment, funds can be transferred instantaneously around the world by interlinked computers at only a moderate cost to banks.

The main requirement to enable banks to make transfers between themselves is the transmission and receipt of an authenticated instruction from one bank to another, authorising the recipient bank to credit the account of the beneficiary (seller). Such instructions used to be transmitted by sea or air mail in signed documents to correspondent banks overseas and took an inordinate time to be acted upon. Each correspondent bank was sent books containing specimen signatures of those authorised to sign such instructions, so that messages could be confirmed as authentic by the recipient, and such signature books were regularly updated when staff changed. Later, instructions were sent between banks by telex or cable and, lacking signatures that could be authenticated, the messages were encoded and carried test keys, for which banks at either end held books of code tables, enabling authentication to be achieved.

Transfers made under such systems were once called ‘mail transfers’ (MTs), ‘cable/telegraphic transfers’ (TTs) or ‘wire transfers’ and, for a long time, these systems ran side by side, with all being used depending on the urgency of the transfers in question. Nowadays, funds transfer instructions are sent between banks almost instantaneously through the interlinking of computers, using systems such as ‘SWIFT’, and such transfers tend to be called ‘international payments’, ‘priority payments’, ‘express payments’, or ‘ordinary’ or ‘urgent’ payments, depending on the bank and type of payment required. Authentication is by encryption built into the system.

World’s largest secure financial messaging system
SWIFT(全球银行间金融电信协会)是一个由其成员拥有的合作社。它运营着世界上最大的安全金融消息传递平台,用于传达支付和与支付相关的信息。2021 年 1 月,SWIFT 平均每天处理 4,210 万条个人财务报文(SWIFT,2021 年)。
SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) is a co‑operative owned by its members. It operates the world’s largest secure financial messaging platform for communicating payment and information relating to payments. In January 2021 SWIFT processed on average 42.1 million individual financial messages per day (SWIFT, 2021).


3.8代理银行业务-Correspondent banking

CITF-学习笔记(3.8代理银行业务-Correspondent banking)

3.8代理银行业务-Correspondent banking

3.8.1 Payments
3.8.2 ‘Nostro’ and ‘vostro’ accounts
3.8.3 Bookkeeping for transfers of funds
3.8.4 Use of BIC and IBAN
3.8.5 Real‑time gross settlement (RTGS)
3.8.6 Foreign bank accounts
3.8.7 Bank drafts and customer cheques
3.8.8 Disadvantages of using cheques
3.8.9 Continuous linked settlement (CLS)

banks are often required to work with banks in other countries, collectively referred to as ‘correspondent banks’. They may be separate banks or members of the same group.

For any domestic bank, their correspondents will include:
wholly independent banks with which formal correspondent banking agreements have been reached;
subsidiary or associate companies operating in another country also subject to a correspondent banking agreement;
state‑owned/government‑owned banks;
overseas branches of the domestic bank.
Alternatively, a company may use the services of a foreign bank’s branch in the company’s country for a transaction.

银行可以在国外市场开设代表处。这些银行在没有银行执照的情况下运作,在许多情况下无法签订代理银行协议或进行任何交易,但允许银行在另一个国家建立业务(establish a presence ?)。
Banks can open representative offices in foreign markets. These operate without a banking licence and will in many cases not be able to enter into correspondent banking agreements or conduct any transactions but allow the bank to establish a presence in the other country.

Nowadays there are many regulatory obstacles with regard to compliance and risk policies (see section 1.6.1). As such, the cost and risk of maintaining relationships has significantly increased and many banks are reducing their correspondent networks.

The mechanisms used in correspondent banking are generally the same whatever the ownership relationship between the domestic bank and the overseas correspondent. Correspondent banking services include:
1.‘nostro’ and ‘vostro’ accounts;
2.SWIFT payments (requiring IBAN and BIC numbers within the EU and a few other countries – see section 3.8.3);
3.real‑time gross settlement (RTGS);
4.overseas bank accounts; drafts and customer cheques;
6.continuous linked settlement (CLS);
7.the handling of documentary collections;
8.the issuance and/or confirmation of documentary and standby letters of credit;
9.the issuance of direct or indirect bank guarantees.



CITF-学习笔记(3.7.1 银行提供的服务 Services provided by banks)

3.7.1 银行提供的服务 Services provided by banks

Section 2.2.2 covered those services that banks may provide for customers planning to become involved in international trade. The remaining topics cover the services that make it possible for buyers and sellers to reach an agreement about where the balance of risk lies between the transfer of ownership of the goods shipped and being paid.

The services provided by banks can be categorised under the following general headings:
1.providing advice and contact details for other supporting organisations, such as ICC offices;
2.collecting and making payments;
3.take engagements to the benefit of trade such as documentary credits and standby letters of credit;
4.handle documentary and clean collections;
5.handling documents;
6.providing guarantees that customers will fulfil obligations to trading partners;
7.exchanging currencies and protecting customers against currency fluctuations;
8.providing finance.

清收-Clean collection
Instructions “to a presenting bank accompanied by a draft and often invoices, but not accompanied by any document restricting possession or ownership of the relevant goods… [and] instructions with a cheque drawn on a bank outside the clearing range of the payee’s country’s banking system” (Global Negotiator, 2021).


3.7银行家/客户关系 The banker/customer relationship

CITF-学习笔记(3.7银行家/客户关系 The banker/customer relationship)

3.7银行家/客户关系 The banker/customer relationship

3.7.1 银行提供的服务 Services provided by banks

Banks are important parties in a trade transaction. They offer a variety of services to buyers, sellers,transporters and others. Their role could involve financing, facilitating or advising other parties.These services are explained in section 3.7.1.

The general principles that govern any bank/customer relationship apply as much in trade finance as in any other service provided by a bank to its customer.
The bank, among other duties, has a duty to:
make payment through a secure and reliable system;
collect amounts payable to its customer in respect of cheques and other instruments, such as bills of exchange;
provide regular statements;
keep its customer’s affairs confidential, subject only to certain laws that require information to be disclosed;
have a clear complaints procedure;
co‑operate with the customer to protect against fraud and to prevent criminal activity in accordance with money‑laundering regulations;
handle transactions such as documentary collections, documentary credits and bank guarantees in a suitable manner, according to associated rule frameworks or legal requirements applicable to such transactions.

客户有责任-The customer has a duty to:
provide its bank with any reasonable information requested about its activities and those of its customers;
repay advances, loans and other forms of financing as agreed;
pay reasonable charges;
co‑operate with the bank to protect against fraud and prevent criminal activity in accordance with money‑laundering regulations.



CITF-学习笔记(3.6代理商或分销商 Agents or distributors)

3.6代理商或分销商 Agents or distributors

代理商- AGENT
A third party appointed by the exporting company to act on its behalf to market and sell its product or service in a particular geographical territory or industry sector.

Agents are often employed on a commission basis and usually work for a number of non‑competing companies. Generally, they will negotiate a retainer fee and any subsequent sales will generate a commission. Because they are self‑employed, the more sales they can generate, the more they can earn.

Agency agreements are drawn up between the exporting company (the principal) and the agent, so the exporting company can be assured of having some control over who its goods are sold to and at what price. The agreement also defines the territory where the agent is allowed to market its product, so in any one country it is not unusual for a company to employ the services of several agents.

Fulfils a similar role to an agent, with the main difference that the distributor usually makes an outright purchase of the goods and then sells them on, again in a specified territory, at a profit. Using a distributor provides an advantage to the seller, as they are not usually responsible for any losses or claims incurred by the distributor. However, the main disadvantage is that as the goods have been sold to the distributor, the seller has less control over where and how they are sold. The distribution agreement can provide some protection.

Distribution agreements can either be sole distributorships, where the sole rights to sell the product or service in a particular market are granted, or a selective distributorship, where restrictions are applied as to whom (and under what conditions) the product or service can be sold.

Table : Differences between agents and distributors

Agent Distributor

Does not take ownership and control of the goods, therefore is not assuming risks


Purchases the goods outright, taking ownership and control, assuming all risks


Negotiates the sale of the goods on behalf of the exporting company for a commission


Sells the goods on to customers, making a profit


Has no authority to agree the sale price


Usually has the authority to set the selling price of the goods


Does not usually provide after-sales support for the buyer

Quite often provides after-sales support
Can be selective or sole distributorships




CITF-学习笔记(3.5 间接出口中使用的中间商-Intermediaries used in indirect exporting)

3.5 间接出口中使用的中间商-Intermediaries used in indirect exporting

出口管理公司-Export management companies
Export management companies will act as the export department for the seller and are set up to provide a whole range of services. They will act on behalf of the seller, either in the name of the seller or in their own name for a commission, salary, or retainer fee plus commission. Some of the larger export management companies can provide immediate payment for the seller by either arranging financing or by directly purchasing the product. Typically, the export management company will have expertise either in products or in the market, which is one of the main advantages to the seller. The main disadvantage of using such a firm is that the seller can potentially lose all control over the marketing and sale of its products.

贸易公司-Trading houses
Export trading houses will purchase the goods directly from the manufacturer and sell them on in an overseas market. They are often product‑specific or market‑specific. Once they have purchased the goods from the manufacturer, they are then able to sell them to whoever they wish and at whatever price they choose. Again, the manufacturing company will lose all control; however, the upside is that additional sales are generated.

保付公司-Confirming houses
Confirming houses are not, strictly speaking, a route to entry for an exporting company. They are firms commissioned by a foreign buyer to find products from the country of the seller. They will seek to obtain the product at the lowest price and will be paid a commission by their foreign client. In some instances, confirming houses may be foreign government agencies or quasi‑government firms that are tasked with promoting export trade for their country. They offer a guarantee of payment to the seller from the buyer, which is useful if the buyer has a poor credit rating. Some export credit agencies can fulfil the role of the confirming house (for more about export credit agencies, see Topic 13).

Buying agent (based in the seller’s country)

Many large overseas companies or buying agencies will employ agents whose responsibility is to look for products and buy for their respective companies or clients. Their position is usually to source the product and negotiate the sales contract; however, because they are based in the home country of the buyer, the sales contract would be subject to the home country’s law.

联合营销 Co‑marketing
Co-marketing is an arrangement in which one manufacturer agrees to distribute a second firm’s product or service. A typical example would be when a company has a contract with an overseas buyer to provide a wide range of products or services. The supplying company may not have the capability to fulfil the whole of the contract, so it will turn to other domestic companies to provide the remaining products. This second company is then able to export its products to the international market, which has the advantage to the second company that it is often able to export its product, sharing the marketing and distribution costs associated with exporting.

Check your understanding
What is the difference between direct and indirect exporting?
2.3.1 Direct exporting vs indirect exporting



CITF-学习笔记(3.4.1 保险合同的种类 Types of insurance contracts)

3.4.1 保险合同的种类 Types of insurance contracts

种类:2种 There are two types of insurance contracts.
One‑off: an insurance contract is concluded for one voyage or one specific shipment only. The contract ends when the goods have arrived at the point indicated in the contract. In this case, the insured party will receive an insurance policy from the insurance company.
Open policy: most corporates active in international business will conclude an open policy with an insurance company covering all their shipments with well‑defined conditions (eg warehouse‑to‑warehouse). An annual fee is calculated based on the turnover of the corporate. If needed, an insurance certificate can be obtained, evidencing that the goods are insured under an open policy.

仓库到仓库 Warehouse-to-warehouse
“A warehouse‑to‑warehouse clause in an insurance policy provides for coverage of cargo in transit from one warehouse to another. A warehouse‑to‑warehouse clause usually covers cargo from the moment it leaves the origin‑warehouse until the moment it arrives at the destination‑warehouse.Separate coverage is necessary to insure goods before and after the transit process.” (Liberto, 2021)


3.4 Marine cargo insurance 海运货物保险

CITF-学习笔记(3.4 Marine cargo insurance 海运货物保险)

3.4 Marine cargo insurance 海运货物保险

Whenever goods are in transit, there is an obvious risk of loss or damage, which could have serious Marine cargconsequences for either the buyer or the seller, or both.

海运货物保险Marine cargo insurance
Covers the risk of loss or damage to goods while being transported by any method, including road,rail, air and sea.

国际贸易术语解释通则®规则应在商业销售合同中具体规定,它将澄清“交货”的点或地点:风险和责任从卖方转移到买方的时刻。(然而,在2020年国际贸易术语解释通则(Incoterms® 2020)中,成本保险费加运费(CIF)以及运费及保险费付至(CIP)中,11条术语中只这两条实际上规定了谁对提供保险负有具体责任,并且实际上需要文件证据证明保险已经生效。此外,所有Incoterms® rules都规定了货物的赔偿责任从哪一个实体转移到另一个实体。只有CIF和CIP需要卖方保险的证据。
The Incoterms® rule, which should be specified in the commercial contract of sale, will clarify the point or place of ‘delivery’: the point when risk and liability pass from seller to buyer. (However, there are only two out of the 11 Incoterms® 2020 rules Cost,Insurance and Freight (CIF) and Carriage and Insurance Paid To (CIP) that actually state who is specifically liable for providing insurance and which effectively require documentary evidence that insurance has been effected.Furthermore, all Incoterms® rules specify from which point the liability for the goods passes from one entity to the other. Only CIF and CIP require evidence of insurance effected by the seller.

例如,如果适用Incoterms® 2020 rule的 EXW,则一旦卖方向买方发出通知,使他们能够提取货物,卖方的责任即告终止。从那一刻起,货物的风险由买方承担。Incoterms® 2020 rule工厂交货(EXW)没有规定买方必须为货物投保;无论他们是否这样做,都由买方自行决定。如果卖方担心买方可能无法在由其负责的旅程中为货物投保,则卖方可以安排并支付卖方利益的保险。如果货物在运输途中损坏,买方无法支付这些费用,保险将补偿卖方。买方不应被告知存在任何卖方利益保险。
For example, if the Incoterms® 2020 rule EXW applies, the seller’s responsibility ends once the seller has sent a notice to the buyer enabling them to take delivery of the goods. From that moment on, the goods are at the buyer’s risk. Incoterms® 2020 rule Ex Works (EXW) does not stipulate that the buyer has to insure the goods; it is at the buyer’s own discretion whether they do so or not. If the seller fears that the buyer may not insure the goods for the part of the journey that is their responsibility, then the seller could arrange, and pay for, sellers’ interest insurance. Sellers’ interest insurance would compensate the seller if the goods were damaged in transit and as a result the buyer could not pay for them. The buyer should not be advised of the existence of any sellers’ interest insurance.

Marine freight insurance is a specialist area, so it may be wise to consult an expert marine broker registered with Lloyd’s. Alternatively, the freight forwarder could be instructed to arrange the insurance. In such cases, the seller or buyer may benefit from the ‘bulk buying power’ of the freight forwarder, who will be handling insurance for many clients.


3.4.1 保险合同的种类 Types of insurance contracts