CITF-TOPIC 2- Digital networking and information gathering 学习笔记

2.2.4 数字网络和信息收集-Digital networking and information gathering

公司网页Company websites

Most businesses have websites that provide information as to the size of the company, its history, its product range and even testimonials. Caution is advised – you cannot believe all that you read.However, you can often get a feel for a company by examining its website.

关于国家和特定行业的报告-Reports on countries and specific industries

You learned in section 2.2.2 that banks often produce country‑specific economic reports. These are also produced by government export agencies, chambers of commerce, think tanks and research institutes. All these organisations also produce reports on specific industries.

贸易出版物-Trade publications

Print or digital trade journals and magazines provide sector‑specific information. Potential buyers or sellers may be featured, as well as interesting articles on specific countries or policies. It is also worth reading the business, economic and financial press information and navigating to sections relevant to your chosen markets.

数字营销策略-Digital marketing strategy

All large corporates will have a well‑crafted web and digital strategy. Most will employ professional digital marketing agencies. Increasingly, SMEs and micro‑businesses are building their online presence and generating leads through digital marketing techniques(数字营销技术) such as search engine optimisation(搜索引擎优化) and social media(社交媒体).

LinkedIn(人际关系网) is a particularly useful social media channel for businesses offering entry level options at no cost.

在线网络工具-Online networking tools

Most chambers of commerce and government trade departments mentioned in section 2.2 offer networking opportunities, either through webinars, discussion forums or social media feeds.Following the social media feeds of both trade and financial journals can also provide a source of leads and networking opportunities.

进入国际市场的方法-Methods of entering an international market

Once a potential new market has been identified and researched, a seller must decide on an appropriate entry strategy or route to market. The research that may have been done so far may have identified demand for the seller’s product, barriers to entry and potential buyers; it may not have highlighted how best to enter the market with the product or service. The first step in this process is to decide whether to export direct to the end user or indirectly via an intermediary.**此过程的第一步是决定是直接出口给最终用户还是通过中介间接出口。**

CITF-TOPIC 2- Status enquiries and credit control 学习笔记

2.2.3 状态查询和信用控制-Status enquiries and credit control


  1. status enquiry or credit reference(状态查询或信用参考)
  2. Credit reference agencies(信贷资料服务机构)
  3. Credit rating agencies(信用评级机构)
  4. Credit insurers(信用保险公司)
  5. Export credit agencies(出口信贷机构)
  6. Financial statements(财务报表)

All businesses are concerned with the risk that they may not get paid, and this risk is higher when trading internationally. A buyer will also face the risk that their supplier may not fulfil their part of the contract. They might pay for goods that do not arrive or might be let down by late delivery or poor quality, resulting in a loss of business and income.

A status enquiry or credit reference is a report that is collated from all of the information and history available on a company and made available to the enquirer, often for a fee.

It is a historic look at how a company has traded. Although these reports do not forecast how the company will trade in the future, they are a good indicator of how it has traded so far. Status enquiries and credit references are easily available from a number of sources.

信贷资料服务机构-Credit reference agencies

Some credit reference agencies operate in specific countries or regions. Others have an international presence. Examples of credit reference agencies include Graydon(格雷登), Experian and Dun & Bradstreet(益博睿和邓布拉德街).Research services are also offered by many of these agencies.

信用评级机构-Credit rating agencies

Fitch(惠 誉), Moody’s(穆迪) and Standard & Poor’s(标准普尔) are the three largest in this market. They provide ratings on the credit standing of any large business that has raised capital on international markets.

信用保险公司-Credit insurers

Providers of credit insurance also provide credit reports. Some are produced internally and others by associated companies. Appropriate credit limits for the company under consideration are provided.These are good indicators for sellers when assessing the size of a contract. For example, if a seller receives a USD500,000 order from a customer who has been given a credit limit of USD20,000, they should proceed with caution. Obvious questions arise as to whether the customer will be able to pay for the goods.

Providers of credit insurance include Aon(怡安), Euler Hermes(欧拉·赫尔墨斯) and Atradius(阿特迪乌斯).

出口信贷机构-Export credit agencies (ECAs)

Some ECAs also provide country reports. Examples include Coface(科法斯集团), Ex‑Im Bank(进出口银行), Credendo(信条), EKN(欧洲自助服务业协会) and Atradius(安卓信用保险公司). ECAs finance international trade projects. The majority of these are medium or long‑term projects.


财务报表-Financial statements

In some countries, businesses have a legal obligation to publish their financial statements (balance sheets and income statements) with a governmental body such as their central bank or a chamber of commerce. These data then become freely available to the public. If a company has not published their financial statements, this may reflect carelessness, poor management or that they have something to hide.

CITF-TOPIC 2- Banks 学习笔记

2.2.2 银行-Banks

贸易融资产品-Trade finance products

Banks offer a range of products, from simple payment systems to more complex methods such as documentary credits or commodity hedging. These include:
货币风险 – 大多数银行会就货币风险以及如何解决这个问题向客户提供建议。 Currency risk – most banks will advise their customers on currency risk and how to address this.
付款 – 所有银行都向买家或卖家提供有关在海外付款和接收付款,所涉及的风险以及为最大限度地降低风险而提供的机制的建议。
Payments – all banks advise buyers or sellers on making and receiving payments overseas, the risks involved, and the mechanisms offered to minimise risk.
经济报告 – 其中许多将在有关个别国家的经济报告中得到解决。一些银行在内部制作这些报告,而另一些银行则推荐其他方制作的报告。涵盖的领域包括生活水平,消费者支出,外汇储备以及适用于进口到该国的法规和控制。
Economic reports – Many of these will be addressed in economic reports about individual countries. Some banks produce these internally while others recommend reports produced by other parties. Areas covered include the standard of living, consumer expenditure, foreign exchange reserves, as well as regulations and controls that apply to imports into the country.

第三方供应商的简介-Introductions to third-party providers

Most banks also help their customers to develop their international trade operations by introducing them to specialists in related areas. These services include the following.
第三方检验和质量控制 – 这些作为减轻供应商不符合合同标准的风险的作用。 Third‑party inspection and quality control – these act as mitigants against the risks related to a supplier not meeting contracted standards.
文件 – 一些银行提供有关贸易、运输、商业和保险文件的建议。
Documentation – some banks provide advice on trade, transport, commercial and insurance documents.

CITF-TOPIC 2- Trade missions, exhibitions and shows 学习笔记

2.2.1 贸易代表团、展览展示-Trade missions, exhibitions and shows

Trade missions are co‑ordinated overseas visits by a group of individuals representing their company.

The aim is for them to meet potential overseas buyers or sellers. A company will usually attend a trade mission after it has completed its initial market research and identified its potential new market. Trade missions are often organised by chambers of commerce, industry bodies or local trade associations. Many government departments that are responsible for international trade also organise trade missions. The delegation(代表团) that goes out will involve a mixture of businesses and some representation from the organisers. Sometimes companies that provide services in international trade, such as banks, freight forwarders or lawyers specialising in international law, will attend. In some cases, grants(拨款?) are available for companies wishing to attend trade missions. These are co‑ordinated to coincide with trade exhibitions or trade shows.这些都经过协调,以配合贸易展览或贸易展览。

An exhibition or trade show, sometimes referred to as an ‘expo’, is an event where companies exhibit their latest products and services to potential buyers.

They can be industry specific or general, where products from several sectors are displayed. Trade shows are usually held annually. However, some such as the Canton Fair广交会 (also known as the China Import and Export Fair) are held twice a year and attract visitors from all over the world. This is China’s largest trade show, and it is held every April and October. It incorporates a complete range of the latest Chinese goods.





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国际贸易金融专家(Certificate in Trade and Finance,简称CITF)





CITF-TOPIC 2.2- Research and networking 学习笔记

2.2调查与网络化-Research and networking

网络调查流行的同时,面对面的实地调查仍是无可替代。(Businesses should research new markets in order to trade successfully. Most research is now done online. Networking is also carried out via web‑based digital services such as social media. However, there is no substitute for visiting a country in person and meeting representatives of the business you wish to trade with face to face.

Other people who have recent experience in international trade are often an excellent source of advice and information. Local chambers of commerce or trade associations will often arrange seminars or networking events where businesses can meet and share experiences. For example, representatives from companies that have penetrated new markets may participate in a panel discussion sharing their experience and providing insights into pitfalls and successes来自已经进入新市场的公司的代表可以参加小组讨论,分享他们的经验,并提供对陷阱和成功的见解.

政府部门-Government departments
Most governments have departments dedicated to helping exporting companies explore new markets. Some also provide advice on importing goods. Embassies(大使馆)are also an excellent source of information for prospective buyers and sellers.

商会-Chambers of commerce
Through education and networking opportunities they help promote understanding between businesses in different countries, thus reducing risks. Some chambers of commerce also have regional offices. In addition, some also work with their counterparts in other countries to promote trade. An example is the Franco‑British Chamber法英商会 in France. Chambers of commerce should be the first point of contact for sellers entering a new market. They usually specialise in local products and are often able to advise on technical requirements.

Services offered may include:
•运输和物流、贸易融资和国际单证方面的培训课程( training courses in transport and logistics, trade finance and international documentation);
• 翻译服务和国别报告(translation services and country reports);
• 定制市场研究匹配买家和卖家(bespoke market research matching buyers and sellers);
• 海外贸易代表团(overseas trade missions); and
• 有关国际展览和贸易展览的信息(information on international exhibitions and trade shows (see section 2.2.1)).
While chambers of commerce often have a far-reaching role in promoting international trade, only governments are able to ratify official trade agreements between countries.**虽然商会在促进国际贸易方面往往发挥着深远的作用,但只有政府才能批准国家之间的官方贸易协定。**


CITF-TOPIC 2- Risks relating to trade‑based financial crime 学习笔记

与基于贸易的金融犯罪有关的风险-Risks relating to trade‑based financial crime

In international trade, there is an ever‑present risk that a transaction is fraudulent, in breach of sanctions or has contravened anti‑money‑laundering regulations.
All parties involved in any transaction should ask the following questions. If the answer to any is negative, further investigation is necessary.
• Is the transaction consistent with other regular business activities?
• Are the goods of a type commonly traded between the two countries?
• Are any of the countries involved in the transaction considered to be high risk or subject to sanctions?
• Is the invoice price consistent with the retail price of the goods/ services?
• Are the goods ‘dual use’, ie could they be used either for military or non‑military purposes(军事或非军事目的)?
• Are there any signs of, or connections with, possible terrorist financing?
• Have background checks on the counterparty been carried out? Has any negative
information been revealed?
• Has the transaction been structured in an unusually complex way?

In‑depth research is required to counter each of these risks. This is particularly necessary when doing business for the first time with the party in question.


CITF-TOPIC 2-Administrative risk 学习笔记

行政风险-Administrative risk

文件(单据?)不完整或不正确-Incomplete or incorrect documents

行政风险与不完整或不正确的海关或进出口文件有关。这可能导致货物在边境、港口或机场被封锁。在极端情况下,货物也可能被没收或退还给发件人。(Administrative risk relates to incomplete or incorrect customs or import/export documents. This could result in goods being blocked at the border or at ports or airports. In extreme circumstances, goods can also be confiscated or returned to the sender.)

与跟单信用证有关的困难-Difficulties related to documentary credits

此外,根据国际商会规则完成所需的单据远非易事。错误或丢失文件可能导致货物交付延迟,成本增加和付款延迟。(In addition, completing the required documentation under ICC rules is far from easy. Mistakes or missing documents can lead to delays in the delivery of goods, increases in cost and payment delays.)

与跟单托收有关的困难-Difficulties related to documentary collections

在跟单托收所需的单据中,错误较少,因为与跟单信用证相比,这些错误的挑战性较小。但是,如果买家没有收到清关或任何其他管理目的所需的文件,他们可能无法付款。(Mistakes are less frequent in the documentation required for documentary collections as these are less challenging when compared with documentary credits. However, if a buyer does not receive the documents necessary for customs clearance, or any other administrative purpose, they might not be able to make payment. )


在准备所需的出口文件(单据)时应格外小心。应事先收集尽可能多的信息。(Utmost care should be taken while preparing the required export documentation. As much information as possible should be collected beforehand.)


CITF-TOPIC 2-Manufacturing risk 学习笔记

制造风险- Manufacturing risk

As long as a seller is dealing in manufactured goods, there will be a production process and various associated risks involved. Much investment is required before these goods are ready for sale and delivery.

All manufactured goods require investment. For example, a machine may need to be
conditioned for a particular customer or goods may need specific packing or labelling. If, for any reason, the buyer cancels the contract during that process, the investment made will be lost. The size of the loss will depend on that of the investment made or on the likelihood that the goods can be sold to another party.

The following methods are possible:
处罚条款 – 一些卖家能够在合同中加入处罚条款。但它们是可执行的吗?这将取决于法律和监管环境。
Penalty clauses – some sellers are able to incorporate penalty clauses in their contracts. But are they enforceable? This will depend on the legal and regulatory environment.
不可撤销性 – 跟单信用证是不可撤销的。因此,未经卖方同意,不能修改或取消。如果买方想要取消合同,他们可能也想取消跟单信用证。卖方可能不同意买方的取消或修改请求。如果发生这种情况,他们将运送货物并出示原始信用证中指定的单据。然后,买方将有义务付款并取货。
Irrevocability – a documentary credit is irrevocable. Therefore, it cannot be amended or cancelled without the seller’s agreement. If the buyer wants to cancel the contract, they may want to cancel the documentary credit as well. The seller may not agree to a cancellation or amendment request from the buyer. If this happens, they will ship the goods and present the documents as specified in the original version of the credit. The buyer will then be obliged to pay and take up the goods.

