CITF-学习笔记(11.5.10 应付账款融资-Payables finance II)

11.5.10 应付账款融资-Payables finance II

典型客戶-Typical clients
The majority of buyer‑led programmes are put in place by investment grade buyers that are looking for finance providers to sign a receivable purchase agreement with their suppliers to purchase receivables owed by their buyers. In this way, major corporate buyers are hoping to achieve an off‑balance‑sheet solution and avoid an increased level of bank debt.

This is often a challenging and complex process for finance providers as full customer due diligence involving know your customer (KYC) and anti‑money‑laundering (AML) checks must be carried out on suppliers. Suppliers are unlikely to be existing customers and may be domiciled in a territory that the bank does not operate in.

非银行提供商的吸引力- Attractiveness of non‑bank providers
Non‑investment grade buyers tend to enter into programmes with non‑bank finance providers as the balance sheet treatment considerations are less acute. However, debt capacity and credit appetite considerations still arise. Non‑bank finance providers will often obtain credit insurance against the buyer’s obligations or enter into funded risk participations with other investors.

对买家的好处Benefits to buyers
Buyers putting in place a payables finance programme will often do so as part of their drive to:
optimise liquidity through an extension of agreed payment terms;
standardise terms across their supplier base; and
achieve cost reductions within their supply chain by enabling a lower cost of finance for their Suppliers.

A further potential benefit for buyers relates to the accounting treatment. The aim is typically to ensure that the payables finance programme does not result in the reclassification of trade creditors as bank debt. This is particularly important for investment grade buyers whose balance sheet ratios are analysed by investors. Any perceived increase in bank debt can have a detrimental effect on market sentiment.

对卖家的好处Benefits to sellers
These include:
an immediate cash benefit with the knowledge that the cost of finance provided by this type of programme will reflect their buyer’s credit‑standing and for most suppliers will be cheaper than their normal cost of funds; and
a reduction in the seller’s risk by, in effect, turning a major customer into the equivalent of a cash sale.
However, sellers will also have to consider that the increased tie‑in with their buyers may mean more pressure to reduce their prices as their buyers will have influenced their cost of finance.


返回:供应链金融解决方案-Supply chain finance solutions


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