CITF-学习笔记(11.5.7 应收账款贴现-Receivables discounting)

11.5.7 应收账款贴现-Receivables discounting

定义:This technique is described in the standard definitions as follows:
“Receivables discounting is a form of receivables purchase, flexibly applied, in which sellers of goods and services sell individual or multiple receivables (represented by outstanding invoices) to a finance provider at a discount.”(GSCFF, 2016, p28)

The fundamentals of any receivables purchase facility are that the receivable:
1.exists; 存在
2.can be clearly identified and validated;可以清楚地识别和验证 assignable; and 可转让的 enforceable against the debtor in that debtor’s jurisdiction.

The main feature of a receivables discounting solution is that it is not a loan but the purchase of a receivable through an assignment or pledge of that receivable.

典型客户-Typical clients
The facility is generally offered to major corporates looking to remove the trade receivable from their balance sheet and avoid having the advance classified as bank debt (ie taking the financing off balance sheet).

This means that the corporates will require that the facility is undisclosed to their buyers and structured on a true‑sale basis with no or limited recourse back to them. They will also push for an advance based on 100 per cent of the face value of the receivable.

Achieving the desired accounting treatment is, however, at the discretion of the seller’s auditor and, while the finance provider can structure the facility to fulfil what they and the buyer believe will meet the criteria for an off‑balance‑sheet solution, it cannot be guaranteed.

更高的复杂性Greater complexity
It is common for this type of arrangement to be fairly complex as the major corporate may wish to structure a facility over multiple jurisdictions, involving its own overseas subsidiaries as sellers of the receivable with buyers that are also in multiple countries. This will entail a high level of legal and regulatory due diligence across the jurisdictions to ensure that the receivable exists, can be assigned and can be enforced against the debtor in their jurisdiction.

Off‑balance‑sheet treatment is not always a key requirement, especially with sub‑investment grade or medium‑sized companies. The finance provider may be willing to structure a facility on a true‑sale basis but, for credit risk purposes, will require that the receivable is disclosed to the buyers of the company concerned. In such cases, the collection of the receivable may be undertaken by the finance provider or by the seller as agent for the finance provider.

对卖家的好处Benefits to sellers
For major corporates that face the pressures of increased global competition, market scrutiny and capital adequacy regulation, receivables discounting programmes offer an alternative approach that can provide the corporate treasurer with a more cost‑effective solution than is possible with more traditional bank funding.
Many of the receivables discounting programmes are now supported by technology‑led platforms that allow for the greater visibility and sharing of data and automated calculation of availability within the facility. As a result, transactional control and collateral management has become a more manageable process.


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