CITF-学习笔记(4.1.1  Negotiating the contract)

4.1.1  Negotiating the contract

Once a seller has produced the contract, it will constitute their offer to the buyer, who may respond in one of the following ways.

Give acceptance as presented. Even a verbal agreement to the contract can constitute an acceptance in some jurisdictions. Additionally, acceptance may also occur by the parties beginning to perform the contract.
Give acceptance, but with reservations or conditions. This represents a counter‑offer, which will have to be considered by the seller, who may then accept the amendments proposed or go back with a further offer for the buyer to consider.
Reject the offer entirely.

It is worth noting that buyers can also produce contracts and send them to sellers, who may respond in a similar way. Offers and counter‑offers may flow backwards and forwards between the parties until, eventually, either mutual agreement is reached or there is a final rejection and abandonment of the negotiation process, perhaps to be resumed at a later date.
Once final agreement is reached and signed by (or validly on behalf of) both parties, the contract will be binding to both the seller and buyer, and any further amendments will require consent of both parties, preferably evidenced in writing.

Once a contract is in place, all terms must be complied with. If they are not, then this constitutes a breach of contract, unless there is some event that under the law of the contract brings it to an end, such as force majeure. Typical breaches would include delivery of substandard goods, late shipment or failure to carry out what was promised. A breach of contract by one party usually entitles the other party to make a legal claim for any losses suffered and, in some cases, to void the contract (ie walk away from their obligations).

However, in most commercial arrangements the parties will attempt to resolve any differences themselves and will only take the dispute to arbitration or some alternative dispute resolution or mediation if they cannot do so. Only as a last resort will the party facing an actual and significant loss go to the courts for redress, which is potentially expensive and time‑consuming, and the outcome uncertain.

French for ‘superior force’, meaning an act of God. This is an event beyond the control of either party, such as riot, war or natural disaster.


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