CITF-学习笔记(5.2.7 扩散和扩散筹资-Proliferation and proliferation financing)

5.2.7 扩散和扩散筹资-Proliferation and proliferation financing

联合国安理会第1540号决议申明”核生化武器及其运载工具的扩散对国际和平与安全构成威胁”UN Security Council Resolution 1540 affirms that “the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as well as their means of delivery, constitutes a threat to international peace and security” (UNODA, 2004).

Certain countries have been accused of bombing their own citizens using chemical weapons or using chemical nerve agents against individuals living in other countries who are seen to be a threat. There is near unanimous international agreement that the spread of weapons of mass destruction should be curtailed. Regions such as the EU control the “export, transit and brokering of dual‑use items” as part of efforts to ensure international peace and security, and to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (European Commission, 2018).

数量或金额的突然增加。A sudden increase in number or amount.

扩散融资-Proliferation financing
违反国家法律,提供全部或部分用于制造、获取、拥有、开发、出口、转运、中间商交易、运输、转让、储存或使用核生化武器及其运载工具和相关材料(包括用于非合法目的的技术和两用货物)的资金或金融服务的行为, 或在适用的情况下,国际义务。
“[T]he act of providing funds or financial services which are used, in whole or in part, for the manufacture, acquisition, possession, development, export, trans‑shipment, brokering, transport, transfer, stockpiling or use of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons and their means of delivery and related materials (including both technologies and dual use goods for non‑legitimate purposes), in contravention of national laws, or where applicable, international obligations.” (FATF, 2010)

两用物品 Dual‑use items
Goods, software and technology that can be used for both civilian and military applications.

采取基于风险的方法 Taking a risk‑based approach
The most obvious way that financial institutions can contribute is to adopt a risk‑based approach and have an effective policy in place for transactions involving dual‑use goods. This should begin when customer due diligence (CDD) and know your customer (KYC) checks are carried out on new customers. Enhanced CDD should also incorporate checks on dual‑use goods and high‑risk jurisdictions. You will learn more about KYC and CDD in section 5.4.5. Identification of dual‑use goods in trade transactions can be challenging given their complex and technical nature.

If a pharmaceutical company purchases bacterial strains for medical research, such a transaction will probably be considered legitimate. If, however, the buyer is found to be engaged in another industry then clearly all parties involved in the transaction must be investigated further. These investigations must be documented and the suspicions reported as appropriate.

Most of the regulatory provisions regarding weapons of mass destruction fall within sanctions regimes. However, bank personnel must be aware of these concerns and remain alert.



返回:5.2 金融犯罪的形式Forms of financial crime


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